His Perfect Partner (27/?)

Jun 07, 2012 09:54

Title:  His Perfect Partner (27/?)
Rating:  NC-17 overall (PG-13 this chapter)
Pairings:  Kurt/Blaine, with appearances by Burt/Carole, Tina/Mike, Mercedes/Sam, Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Finn
Spoilers: None, but assume that anything through Season Three is fair game for inspiration.
Word Count: 1835
Summary:  After five disappointing seasons on the show, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory.  With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned.  Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.

In This Chapter: Kurt and Blaine come up with a game plan, and Kurt and Kim prepare two full dances for the quarter-finals.

Author's Note:  This is a Dancing with the Stars/Glee crossover AU, in which Kurt grew up dancing and became a professional on the show in his mid-twenties, and Blaine is a pop star with a very private private life.  Other familiar Glee faces, some actual DWTS pros, and a couple of OCs appear to round out the cast of characters.  For the summer, I'm going to post once a week, on Thursdays, so that I can keep up with real life things!  I have a master glee post  here, or follow my bff's tumblr for updates and some fun multi-media extras that will go along with many chapters.  Thanks to 
wintercreek, and 
gypsyangel25 for the beta as well as for general cheer-leading and fun times.

“You realize this is a privilege that I extend to almost no one else,” Kurt told Blaine after dinner that night. He was sprawled out on the floor of his living room, his head in Blaine’s lap, while Blaine ran his fingers through Kurt’s hair.

“I feel appropriately honored, I promise,” Blaine said, smiling down at him. Kurt grinned back and then closed his eyes, sinking into Blaine’s comforting touch while Blaine hummed above him.

They’d talked over dinner - about growing up and being gay, about what made it difficult and what made it worth it - and they’d come to realize that, though their experiences were different, they wanted many of the same things. They wanted to be accepted, to be themselves, to be loved and creatively fulfilled and happy in whatever directions life took them. Blaine wanted to be braver, and Kurt wanted to learn how to be softer. They both wanted what was growing between them to work, and they wanted to understand where the other person was coming from.

Kurt had told Blaine about his ex, about how he had refused to come out and had almost seemed ashamed of Kurt. Blaine talked about his family and his need to please them, even though they always seemed to find something new to criticize. While Blaine held his hand, Kurt talked about being bullied in high school and then listened while Blaine explained that bullying had caused him to change schools and keep a low profile after that. It wasn’t an easy discussion, reliving old memories they’d long since tried to move past, but it was necessary. It brought them closer even while it hurt.

Now, after the difficult stories had been told, Kurt’s thoughts turned to the present, and then to the future they could have together.

“What are you smiling about?” Blaine asked, his fingers still stroking Kurt’s hair.

“You. Us,” Kurt said, unembarrassed by his honesty. “I don’t think I’ve ever had someone in my life who I could plan with. It was always a matter of planning around.”

“Until now,” Blaine said.

“Until you,” Kurt said, opening his eyes so he could see Blaine’s smile.

“So will you plan my coming out party with me?” Blaine asked.

“It’s a party now, is it? Will there be fancy outfits and dancing?” Kurt grinned.

“With you involved, how could there not?” Blaine replied. “But seriously, I want to figure out how to do this, and to do it in a way that works for us, as a couple.”

“Ok.” Kurt sat up and took Blaine’s hand. “Thank you, by the way. For including me, even though I was being bossy and impossible.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s all part of your charm,” Blaine said, but Kurt wasn’t ready to let his transgressions go so easily.

“It’s really not. I know I can be a brat, and not in a cute, fun way. My father’s been telling me that for years.” Kurt made a face as Blaine laughed. “I get it, now. Things haven’t been easy for you, and this is a big decision. A big transition. So if you need to take more time to think about it, or put it off for a year, or throw a party tomorrow, that’s fine with me. We’ll do what you need.”

“We’ll do what we need,” Blaine said, lifting their joined hands so he could press a kiss to the inside of Kurt’s wrist. “But thanks. Having you in my corner means a lot. It means everything.”

“You’re welcome,” Kurt murmured, leaning in for a kiss. The gentle, familiar movement of Blaine’s lips against his did nothing to quell the tender, new emotion he could feel welling up inside. He lifted his free hand to stroke Blaine’s cheek, immersing himself in sensation so he didn’t have to process everything he was feeling quite yet. They’d get there, but not today. Today was about Blaine, and being together, and going public in the best way they could find.

They curled closely together on the floor in front of Kurt’s sofa, discussing the ways Blaine might come out that wouldn’t drive either of them mad. Blaine admitted that he could see Kurt’s point about waiting until after the show finished, particularly considering how crazy rehearsals had gotten in the last twenty-four hours. Kurt agreed with Blaine that doing something clear and definitive, like a press release and a carefully chosen exclusive interview, would be better than letting the press figure things out based on their actions. They’d just need to keep a low profile for a few more weeks, and then it wouldn’t matter anymore.

“After all,” Blaine reasoned. “If they haven’t caught on by now that I spend most of my time over here, I think we should be all set through the finale.”

“True,” Kurt agreed. “Speaking of, are you planning to stay tonight?”

“Am I invited?” Blaine asked coyly.

“You don’t need to flutter your lashes at me. You know you have an open invitation,” Kurt said.

“Mmmmm. An open invitation. Sexy,” Blaine said, making the most ridiculous seductive face Kurt had ever seen.

“You’re absurd,” Kurt declared. Blaine pouted.

“Oh, come here, you poor baby.” Kurt opened his arms, laughing when Blaine fell into him dramatically. “I like that you’re absurd. It’s strangely charming.”

“Thanks.” Blaine nuzzled closer and kissed Kurt’s collarbone. “Can we be done with the serious talking now? I vote we watch something terrible.”

“Reality tv it is!” Kurt said, reaching for the remote. “Because we clearly don’t get enough of that at work.”

“Clearly not,” Blaine said, snuggling in against Kurt’s chest.

Kurt rested his cheek against Blaine’s curls and sighed contentedly, ready to let some mindless tv drama carry them both away.


The next morning at first light, Kurt eased out of bed, pressing a kiss to Blaine’s forehead on his way. Kurt was feeling both rested and restless, a sure sign that it was time to refine choreography. He hurried through his morning routine, pausing to leave a note on the kitchen counter, right in front of a fresh pot of coffee. Kurt knew that would be Blaine’s first stop before he headed for his rehearsal in a few hours. As much as he enjoyed Blaine’s company, Kurt could really use the solitude while Blaine slept in.

At the studio, Kurt let himself into the rehearsal rooms. He lifted his hand in greeting as he passed the room where Maks was already working; Maks nodded but didn’t say anything. They’d both agreed long ago that early morning was the best time to get their individual creative work done without distraction.

Kurt ran the basics of the Argentine tango first to warm up and check it for any rough spots. He tweaked it for a while, playing with the footwork sequences and timing until he felt like it would fit the music and his partner perfectly. The routine was designed to showcase Kim’s precision and grace, while Kurt provided the backdrop and the muscle. It would be sensual and classy - a tango for a grown woman who knew her own power. He couldn’t wait for the final product.

With the AT settled, Kurt turned his attention to the foxtrot. It was set to a piece of music he loved and had first performed to as a teenager. Le Jazz Hot was somehow both a tour de force and a playful romp of a song, with a slow build that required patience and precision. Kurt would have to balance its sharp edges with the smooth rise and fall required of a traditional foxtrot. The quick turns and unison footwork he had planned would keep things interesting, while long sweeping passes in hold would add drama and grandeur. By the time he was finished with it, it would be the most interesting, exciting foxtrot the show had ever seen.

Kim arrived, a coffee in each hand, just as Kurt finished beating a particularly tricky footwork sequence into submission. He’d gotten so caught up in choreography revision that he hadn’t registered the passage of time. He’d been dancing for hours, but only realized he was ravenous when Kim handed him an egg sandwich with his coffee and told him to eat up.

“You work too hard,” Kim commented from where she was sitting against the mirrored front wall.

“I’m doing it so you can win. I really don’t think you should complain,” Kurt said. He sprawled out across from her, stretching while he ate.

“I’m not complaining, exactly. Just pointing out the reality of your existence.”

“I’ll have you know that I didn’t work at all last night. I had dinner and watched terrible television with my boyfriend,” Kurt replied.

“And talked, I hope?”

“And talked. We have a plan. For after the show ends. A plan that requires continuing discretion on the part of our friends and loved ones,” Kurt said pointedly.

“Hey now,” Kim stuck her tongue out at him. “I’m the queen of discretion, I’ll have you know. Have I said a word to anyone? I mean anyone who would go straight to the tabloids, at least?”

“Right. Queen of discretion, my ass,” Kurt said, laughing a little. “You’d wear a banner if I’d let you, just to watch people’s reactions.”

“Science demands to know which population will be larger: those devastated by the lost chance to get romantic dances with Kurt Hummel or those desperate to have a Blaine Anderson love song dedicated only to them.” Kim clutched her hands to her chest dramatically.

“I’m sure Blaine will win,” Kurt said, rolling his eyes at Kim’s antics.

“Don’t be so quick to judge, hot stuff. I’m pretty sure you’d both have quite the line for your amorous attentions, if you so chose.”

“Amorous attentions? Really?” Kurt aimed his best incredulous expression at Kim.

“Yep. People want you to lurve them,” Kim drawled. “Though I’m sure imagining you two together is a decent second prize.”

“You’re creepy,” Kurt said, deciding not to think too hard about what she’d just suggested.

“What I am is correct. And smart. And ready to dance.” Kim said, getting to her feet. Kurt was grateful she was letting the previous subject drop. “What’ve you got for me today, boss?”

“A whole lot. I hope you’re prepared to dance your feet off, because I want to get through all of both dances before we go home tonight.” Kurt got up as well and went over to cue up music for the foxtrot.

“I’m going to hate you by noon, aren’t I?” Kim asked, but she went to Kurt willingly when he held out his hands.

“I promise it’ll be worth it. I’m aiming for at least one set of perfect 10s.”

“Oooooh. Now you’ve made hell week worth it,” Kim said, bouncing on her toes. “Let’s do this!”

“That’s my girl,” Kurt said, smiling. And then he launched into choreography, with no plans to let up until they’d gotten it all right.

fiction, his perfect partner, kurt/blaine, glee

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