His Perfect Partner (18/?)

Apr 26, 2012 15:11

Title:  His Perfect Partner (18/?)
Rating:  NC-17 overall, PG-13 this chapter
Pairings:  Kurt/Blaine, with appearances by Burt/Carole, Tina/Mike, Mercedes/Sam, Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Finn
Spoilers: None, but assume that anything through 3.16 is fair game for inspiration.
Word Count: 2679
Summary:  After five disappointing seasons on the show, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory.  With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned.  Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.

In This Chapter: Results show day means it's time for Kurt and Blaine to face the consequences of their performances.

Author's Note:  This is a Dancing with the Stars/Glee crossover AU, in which Kurt grew up dancing and became a professional on the show in his mid-twenties, and Blaine is a pop star with a very private private life.  Other familiar Glee faces, some actual DWTS pros, and a couple of OCs appear to round out the cast of characters.  I'll be posting twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.  I have a master glee post  here, or follow my bff's tumblr for updates and some fun multi-media extras that will go along with many chapters.  Thanks to 
wintercreek, and 
gypsyangel25 for the beta as well as for general cheer-leading and fun times.

The last twenty minutes of the show felt like they took a year. Even as he made sure he didn’t drop Kim out of the complicated lift they’d settled on for the group dance, Kurt was cataloguing all the things he wanted to say to Blaine if given the chance. Blaine, for his part, kept shooting Kurt looks that were both intense and mystifying. It took all of Kim’s considerable maternal instincts to keep Kurt from bolting from the room before they managed to wrap up the show and make it through press.

“Ok, shoo,” Kim said the moment they were done. “Go find your boy and stop giving me a vicarious panic attack. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Kurt kissed her cheek absently, his mind already racing ahead. He stumbled past the crew members already setting up for the next night’s show, waving and nodding as required when people spoke to him. Luckily, he didn’t see Finn or Rachel, which meant that he could escape both a long conversation and dinner out. Any other night, perhaps, but not this one.

He chanced a quick stop at his trailer to strip off his costume and change into street clothes, and then found himself outside Blaine’s trailer, hand raised to knock. It was an interminable sixty seconds before the door opened and Blaine appeared on the other side, his hair wet and curly from the shower.

“Hi,” Kurt said, but he didn’t move until Blaine reached down to grab his hand and coax him inside. Kurt had been so brave all day, but it had deserted him now. “I’m sorry about the show.”

“Which part?” Blaine was studying him as they stood together in front of the couch.

“Your rumba. I know you wanted more from it.”

“Strangely enough, I’m not that concerned with that at the moment.”


“No,” Blaine sat and tugged Kurt down after him. “That dance, that song, that was for me?”

Kurt nodded, his gaze on their intertwined fingers.

“It was beautiful.” Blaine’s voice had gone from tentative to hushed, like a prayer. “When you dance, you’re breathtaking. That you would dance something for me is…it isn’t anything I could have imagined.”

“The timing could have been better,” Kurt said, looking up at Blaine through lashes wet with blinked-back tears.

“I don’t care. I could get kicked off the show tomorrow, and all I’d care to do is sit with you and listen to you talk until you ran out of things to say.”

“God, Blaine, you can’t just say things like that.”

“Then you can’t dance things like that. Fair is fair.” Blaine reached up to stroke across Kurt’s cheek and down to his jaw. He got up on his knees so that he could cup Kurt’s face in both hands and kiss him, delicate and thorough. Then he leaned back and just looked for a moment. “I’ve wanted to do that for hours now, ever since your music ended.”

“Why didn’t you?” Kurt’s anxiety was still too fresh to keep the question in his mouth.

“I had to focus, or Elizabeth would have killed me. I guess it mostly worked - that dance could have been so much worse.”

“Seriously, my timing sucks. Kim really should have talked me out of it,” Kurt said, coming back to himself a little bit now that he knew Blaine wasn’t upset.

“Oh, absolutely not. In fact, I’m telling her thanks tomorrow. I like this side of you. It’s refreshing.”

“More like complicated. And poorly scheduled.”

“I like complicated,” Blaine said, leaning back into the couch and pulling Kurt toward him. They settled with Kurt’s cheek resting against Blaine’s shoulder. Kurt was impressed that Blaine realized he’d get more from Kurt if they weren’t staring at one another.

“That’s good. Not everyone in my life always has.” He’d been called a lot of things by frustrated exes; complicated had been the least of the accusations. Difficult and stubborn and uncommunicative had been on the list as well.

“Well, their loss is my gain,” Blaine said blithely. “You’re worth waiting for.”

“And were you? Waiting, I mean.” Kurt’s question made Blaine laugh.

“God, I guess Annie really was right. I should have been more obvious.” Blaine dropped a kiss on the top of Kurt’s head. “You are one of the most gorgeous, talented people I’ve ever met. I think I wanted you, wanted this, from the moment we met.”

“You’re not serious!” Kurt pushed up on his forearms so he could look at Blaine, whose gaze was the epitome of sincerity. “You’re serious. We’re idiots.”

“Guess we shouldn’t subject the rest of the population to our idiocy then,” Blaine said, grinning before his gaze went suddenly, inexplicably soft. “Be with me, Kurt. Let me be with you.”

“I thought I was the one making the grand overtures tonight,” Kurt said softly, his smile matching Blaine’s.

“You got the dancing, give me the words.”

“Okay. Yes. I can do that.” Kurt leaned forward, needing to kiss him, but Blaine stopped him with a hand on his shoulder and an expectant look. “Are you waiting for…Blaine Anderson, did you just ask me to be your boyfriend? Are we twelve?”

“I adore you,” Blaine said, laughing a little. “Now answer the question.”

“It was more of a statement, really,” Kurt said, just to earn himself a playful glare. “But yes, I’ll be your boyfriend. Pretend you passed me a note and I checked the ‘yes’ box.”

“Mmmm, that sounds excellent,” Blaine said, beaming. “Can we make out on the couch like teenagers now?”

“In for a penny, in for a pound,” Kurt said, and he leaned back down to capture Blaine’s lips with his.


Eventually, they made it off the couch. Then they spent twenty minutes up against the door of Kurt’s car, kissing like they were already late for curfew and might as well make the most of it. Finally, Kurt had the presence of mind to gentle the kiss and back off so that they could both catch their breaths.

“We have a show to do tomorrow. You’re singing for it, and I have to dance. We can’t stay out all night acting like kids,” Kurt said.

“No? It’s really fun, though.” Blaine managed to reel him back in for a few more kisses before Kurt put the brakes on once more.

“It really is,” Kurt admitted, resting his forehead against Blaine’s. They shared a smile. “I’ll make you a deal. You can come home with me - to sleep! - and I’ll make you pancakes for breakfast.


“Bought some at the farmer’s market Saturday. I have strawberries and bananas too.”

“Sold! To the man with the fruit and the cuddles.” Blaine’s grin was silly and absolutely endearing.

“You’re an incredibly cheap date,” Kurt said dryly.

“Lucky you.” Blaine pulled Kurt in for one more brain-scrambling kiss, and then reached behind himself to open the car door. “Get in. I’ll race you there.”

“You’re ridiculous!” Kurt called after Blaine’s retreating back. It figured that Blaine could go from smoldering to childishly competitive in no time at all. Kurt swung into his car. It was late enough that if he took the secret shortcut, he’d totally beat Blaine home.


Tuesday morning, Kurt woke up sweaty and with a mouthful of curls. Blaine was sprawled across him, one leg thrown across his hip and one arm anchoring Kurt in place. Somehow, Blaine had also managed to secure the blankets under his chin, which meant that they were wrapped up in a very cozy, if very warm, cocoon. Even Kurt’s feet were warm, and that never happened.

Kurt tried not to move too much, content to enjoy having Blaine in his arms, but his change in awareness must have prompted Blaine’s, because Blaine turned his face further into Kurt’s neck and nuzzled.

“Mmmm…pancakes?” Blaine leaned back and opened one eye hopefully.

“You’ve been awake for 13 seconds and you’re already hungry?” Kurt stroked Blaine’s curls away from his face and kissed his forehead.

“But, pancakes.”

“I take back my ‘you’re a gentleman’ theory. You’re actually just a human hoover who isn’t easily distracted from food.”

“I love food,” Blaine confirmed, now applying lips and teeth to Kurt’s neck to great effect.

“Oh no you don’t,” Kurt said, his words belied by the way he tilted his head to give Blaine more access. “You already picked pancakes over me, and we have a schedule to keep. Results show dress for your song is in a couple of hours.”

“Boo work. Yay kisses.”

“You’re like an inappropriately affectionate five-year-old, I swear,” Kurt said. Blaine responded by rolling on top of Kurt and kissing him into quiescence.

“You were saying?” Blaine said. Rumpled and delicious, he grinned down at Kurt. Kurt just blinked. “Well, then. In that case, I vote pancakes.”

Blaine kissed the tip of Kurt’s nose and then bounded out of bed humming a happy little song. By the time Kurt caught up with him a few minutes later in the kitchen, he was standing, perplexed, in front of Kurt’s coffeemaker.

“Is it alive? Is it going to eat my hand if I try to make normal coffee?” Blaine turned to face Kurt, scratching idly at his very naked chest. Kurt couldn’t decide what to respond to first - the absurd things coming out of Blaine’s mouth or the gorgeous things going on with the rest of him.

“I’ll make coffee,” Kurt finally said, stepping closer to skim his hands over Blaine’s sides and up his back. “You can be my rather underdressed sous chef.”

“Aren’t those the best kinds?” Blaine fluttered his lashes, and Kurt had to admit that ridiculous just turned into ridiculously attractive on him.

“Survey’s still out, but so far things are looking good.” Kurt responded with a lascivious wink, which made them both laugh. Blaine was still laughing when Kurt captured his lips for a kiss.

Between kisses and caresses and playful banter, they managed pancakes and coffee. They curled up on the couch to eat, pressed hip to hip with one plate between them. Kurt fed Blaine bites of pancake, and Blaine reciprocated with pieces of fruit. It was cliché and utterly wonderful.

They were out the door fifteen minutes late by Kurt’s reckoning, which was on time for anyone else. They spent the ride on speakerphone, singing along to the music on Blaine’s ipod. His selections grew steadily more somber as they got closer to set, which reminded Kurt that today was an elimination day, and his newly-minted boyfriend was anything but a sure bet to stay on the show. They pulled up next to one another and walked together to hair and makeup, where Cedes gave Kurt a meaningful look but went about her business as usual. Kurt knew they had a lot to catch up on when they met up after the show.

Kurt was done first, for once, so he went quickly to wardrobe and then to the ballroom to meet Lacey. The number Blaine was singing was a bit of a throwback to their teenage years, beautifully lyrical and emotional, and Kurt and Lacey had put everything they had into the choreography for the sake of performance and nostalgia. Chelsie and Mark were dancing with them, and their quartet was going to be spectacular.

Dress went well, with only minor timing and spacing issues. Kurt found Blaine for a quick kiss before they both ran off to find their partners. They’d have to perform the group dance again during the results show, so most couples were using the afternoon to polish up their solos. Bitsy, Kurt knew, would have her hands full keeping Blaine from jumping out of his skin from a combination of anticipation and nerves. Kurt and Kim would be beginning work on their dances for next week.

Or, at least, that had been Kurt’s plan, until Kim waltzed into their practice room, sat down on the nearest chair, and demanded that Kurt give her ‘the update.’

“Why do I get the impression that what you really want is a sexy play-by-play?” Kurt asked. Kim cackled and fished in her bag for her phone. “What are you doing now?”

“Text updates to Mercedes and Tina. We decided it would be more efficient this way.”

“Are you kidding me right now? What am I saying - of course you’re not kidding me. You’re insane, but at least you’re consistent.”

“Indeed.” Kim pursed her lips and began typing quickly.

“Oh, fine. But tell Cedes that it’s your fault if I end up pulling out all my hair,” Kurt said. Kim nodded consideringly and obeyed. “So everything’s fine. We talked; he got it. I made him pancakes this morning.”

“You would make a terrible novelist, Kurtsie. Details are key.” Kim was still typing steadily, obviously embellishing. “What did he think of the dancing?”

“Oh.” Kurt smiled, softening. “He loved it. He was - I don’t know - honored, or something? It was really sweet.”

“Awwww,” Kim cooed, snapping a picture of Kurt’s no doubt goofy expression. Her phone beeped twice. “The girls think you’re adorable!”

“I think you’re all certifiable,” Kurt replied, but he didn’t put any heat behind it. He loved that they cared, and his evening and morning with Blaine were making him feel more forgiving than usual.

“Why thank you, darling. Now tell me the rest.”

“He, uh,” Kurt pressed one hand to his cheek. “Asked me to be his boyfriend?”

“Oh my god! It’s like middle school, but way hotter!” Kim hopped up, skipped over to him, and pulled him into a twirl. “I assume you said yes?”

“I’m not an idiot, Kim.”

“No you are not, boy with a boyfriend!”

“Can we rehearse now?” Kurt chanced a quick glance in the mirror. “Before my face looks any more like a tomato?”

“Sure. Just one more question. Exactly how much are you not telling me between the ‘he got it’ and the pancakes?”

“Very little. I promise I haven’t deprived you of any sordid details.”

“Bummer.” Kim pouted playfully and then sent one more text to Cedes and Tina. “Ok, all yours!”

“Great,” Kurt said, sizing her up. “Now let’s see if we can get your feet to move as fast as your mouth, and you might just be able to conquer the quickstep.”


A few hours later - halfway through the broadcast - Kurt and Kim found themselves onstage with Blaine, Bitsy, Quinn, and Mark, waiting for their fates to be revealed. Santana and Maks had already made it through with little fanfare, followed by Puck and Lacey and Lauren and Mike. Joe and Brit had been sent ‘into danger,’ which meant that while they might not be one of the bottom two couples, there was a 50-50 shot that they were going home.

Kurt hated this part of the show with a passion. Behind them, the screen played recaps of each of their performances from the night before, Tom’s voice intoning the judge’s thoughts ominously as dramatic music played. Each couple huddled together, awaiting either a bright light and good news or the dreaded red light, which signaled danger. Rationally, Kurt knew that he and Kim had to be safe, but that didn’t make him feel much better, particularly when he looked over and saw Blaine smiling grimly, both arms wrapped tight around Bitsy’s waist.

Tom called on Quinn and Mark first, and when he let them know they were safe, Mark staggered sideways. Kurt smiled at that, knowing how seriously Mark took the show. Mark and Quinn headed offstage, holding hands, and then it was just the four of them left.

The music intensified, and Tom lifted his microphone again.

“Kim and Kurt, Blaine and Elizabeth, on this fifth week of competition, one of you is safe, and one of you is in danger. The couple safe and coming back to dance again next week…”

There was a dramatic pause, and though it came at the same point every time, Kurt still held his breath.

“…will be announced after this commercial break!”

fiction, his perfect partner, kurt/blaine, glee

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