His Perfect Partner (17/?)

Apr 23, 2012 12:53

Title:  His Perfect Partner (17/?)
Rating:  NC-17 overall, PG-13 this chapter
Pairings:  Kurt/Blaine, with appearances by Burt/Carole, Tina/Mike, Mercedes/Sam, Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Finn
Spoilers: None, but assume that anything through 3.15 is fair game for inspiration.
Word Count: 2430
Summary:  After five disappointing seasons on the show, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory.  With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned.  Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.

In This Chapter: On show day, Kurt connects with someone important, and then sends a message through his rumba with uncertain results.

Author's Note:  This is a Dancing with the Stars/Glee crossover AU, in which Kurt grew up dancing and became a professional on the show in his mid-twenties, and Blaine is a pop star with a very private private life.  Other familiar Glee faces, some actual DWTS pros, and a couple of OCs appear to round out the cast of characters.  I'll be posting twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.  I have a master glee post  here, or follow my bff's tumblr for updates and some fun multi-media extras that will go along with many chapters.  Thanks to 
wintercreek, and 
gypsyangel25 for the beta as well as for general cheer-leading and fun times.

Monday morning’s sunrise was obscured by rain, but Kurt went to the beach anyway. He needed the alone time more than ever, these days, with the competition getting more intense and Blaine taking up more than his fair share of attention. Kurt vacillated between being charmed by the idea of a whirlwind romance and wishing that Blaine had appeared at any moment other than this one. He’d always thought there couldn’t be too much of a good thing, but Blaine and Kim - emotion and performance - were making him question that theory.

Kurt trudged down the damp sand to the water’s edge, the songs he would be performing to playing in a loop on his ipod. He felt ready to dance and knew Kim was going to be great. The nerves settled low in his belly were for Blaine, who had made an uneasy peace with the rumba that could be broken at any time.

The night before, Kurt had brought salads to the studio for Blaine and Bitsy, his nominal dislike of the girl fading in the face of their rehearsal difficulties. He’d been there, and he knew how it felt when things just wouldn’t come together. It was the worst possible feeling, knowing that this dance, the one you didn’t love, could be your last. He’d cheered them up as best he could, telling ridiculous rehearsal and competition stories, and then he’d headed out, but not before he pulled Blaine outside for a few kisses and whispered words of encouragement.

Kurt had contemplated calling Blaine to meet him for breakfast, but he figured Blaine could use the extra sleep for once. Plus, Kurt knew that at this point Blaine just needed to focus, and Kurt would do well to take his own advice and do the same.

On the way back to the car, Kurt dialed his dad, knowing that he would be home and awake, getting ready for his day. When he answered, gruff as always, Kurt smiled.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Morning, Kurt. Ready for your big day? Carole’s invited the whole neighborhood over for a voting party.”

“Doesn’t she always?” Kurt said dryly as he pulled into traffic. “Just do me a favor and go easy on Mrs. Evans’ 9-layer dip, will you? You know all that crap is bad for you.”

“All these years and you’d think you’d have figured out that I’m the parent,” his dad quipped.

“Cute. But seriously, I mean it. I want you around for years and years. And I don’t want to have to explain to my kids why Grandpa can’t get up out of his damn recliner.”

“I swear the bossy side must have come from your mother,” Burt said, but Kurt could tell that he was smiling. “I’ve always been so easy-going.”

“Oh, sure. That’s absolutely why you landed in the hospital last year. Because you’re so laid back. Tell me another one, but make it believable this time.”

“So,” Burt said, changing the subject, “what’s going on with you? You don’t usually call on show days.”

“Nothing much,” Kurt said to buy himself some time. He hadn’t called intending to spill his guts, but now that they were talking, he found himself wanting to tell his dad everything. Burt Hummel was his rock, and his approval would mean the world to Kurt.

“Now that’s a lie,” Burt said. “I’m sure you’re rehearsing like mad. I hope you’re still finding a minute or two for fun. That worrying thing goes both ways, you know.”

“I know. And that’s the thing. I’m working hard, but it’s getting complicated on set, a little bit. Remember how I told you that there was sort of a potential on the horizon?”

“Oh boy. Is it time to play the guess which co-star game? Since I know you’re not stepping out with your dance partner, that narrows things down.”

“Dad…” Kurt could practically hear his dad clapping his hands together in glee. He loved teasing his kids almost as much as he loved them.

“Is it that kid with the hair?” Burt continued as though he hadn’t heard Kurt. “The little one. He looks like he’d be easily intimidated.”

“Dad! You are not scaring Blaine to death. That’s not allowed.”

“Well, now, how hard was that? You’ve answered my question. Blaine, hm?”

“Oh my god, Dad.”

“Carole said he seemed like a very nice boy. And before you get all riled up, that’s all she told me. I was the one who said he seemed like someone you’d go for. Nice manners, fancy clothes, and a big smile.”

“It’s scary that you can pick that up just from television.”

“All part of the training, kid. Embarrassment and Deduction 101 - it’s in all the secret parenting manuals.” His dad was enjoying this way too much.

“You’re enjoying this way too much,” Kurt said.

“Of course I am. I’m not there to harass him in person yet, so I have to make do with you.”

“Lucky me.”

“You know it.” Burt laughed for a minute, and then turned serious. “Listen, Kurt, I just want you to be happy. Does he make you happy?”

“Yeah,” Kurt responded without thought. “He really does. He’s sweet and smart and loves my dancing.”

“Smart kid,” Burt said. Kurt felt warmed through by the pride in his voice.

“It’s still really new, right now, but I think…I’d like you to meet him at some point.”

“Of course. When you make the finale, I’ll be there. We’ll do it then.”

“Yeah. When I make it.” His dad’s confidence made Kurt feel like it was a sure bet. “Listen, Dad, I should go. I have a lot to get done before the show. But I’ll call you Wednesday so we can talk through the show.”

“Just like always. You bet,” Burt said. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Dad. Tell the same to Carole.”

“You got it. Kick some tail tonight.”

“Will do.”

They hung up, and a few minutes later Kurt pulled into the studio lot, feeling settled and ready to tackle the day. His dad had that effect on him - he kept Kurt grounded and made everything seem like a challenge he could meet. Kurt went about his show day business with a light heart and a clear head. When Kim met him a little while later to rehearse, her relaxed smile and easy grace made him certain - it was going to be a great show.


Once the show began, Kurt tucked himself into a corner of the balcony with Kim at his side. She held his hand, commenting occasionally on the other performances, but mostly sitting quietly with him. He loved that she could read his mood so well.

It wasn’t that he was nervous, exactly. The performance would go smoothly - he trusted himself and Kim with that. But this was the first time he’d ever wanted to make this kind of personal statement with the combination of song and dance. He hoped it worked. He hoped Blaine understood. Most of all, he hoped he didn’t chicken out and decide not to say anything about it to Blaine at all.

A few minutes before it was their turn, Kim stood up and pulled Kurt to his feet. It was time to get warmed up. She turned to face him, smiling and leaning up to kiss his cheek.

“Courage, love. All you have to do is get him to pay close attention. We’ve got the rest.”

She squeezed his hand and then scooted down the row of seats, pausing at the end of the row to bestow a brilliant smile on Blaine. When Kurt made his way down to Blaine, he looked up bemusedly.

“Your partner’s quite the charmer,” Blaine said.

“I could say the same to Bitsy,” Kurt said, the quip an attempt to cover his nerves. “So, hey…”

“Yeah?” Blaine reached out to take Kurt’s hands in his own, which was almost too much.

“When we dance, don’t just watch. I mean, I know you’ll watch, but listen too, ok?”

“Ok?” Blaine looked up at him curiously, his thumbs stroking soothingly over Kurt’s knuckles.

“Just, please?” Kurt knew he should be more eloquent, but he was feeling weirdly anxious now.

“Of course. Go. Knock my socks off.”

“You’re not wearing socks,” Kurt said stupidly, but Blaine just laughed and released Kurt’s hands.

“No metaphors on performance nights. Got it. Go dance. I’ll listen while I watch, promise.”

“Ok. Good. Great.” Kurt retreated before he could babble nonsensically for any longer. When he chanced a glance back, Blaine was still watching him with a sweet smile.

Backstage, Kurt fell into Kim’s arms, feeling idiotic. Kim clucked at him, petting his shoulder while she listed all the reasons that this was a great idea and Blaine wasn’t going to know what hit him, but in the very best way. Within a minute or two, Kurt had relaxed, and he got himself back in performance mode. He was so thankful that he had a partner who could take over when his dramatic tendencies got the better of him.

They put their heads together as they always did, talking quickly through the entire dance before marking through the basics. At this point, they knew the whole thing backward and forward. It was just a matter of giving it that little extra something that they both wanted it to have.

They made their way to the floor slowly, trying to hang onto the sense of calm that they were beginning to find when they danced together. Kim turned into Kurt’s arms for their opening pose, and he blocked out the audience with the ease of long practice, but not before he glanced up and saw that Blaine’s eyes were focused in on him. He could do this. He would do this. Starting now.

The first progression of notes sounded, followed by Rachel’s voice, soft and plaintive. Kurt had never particularly loved Taking Chances, but this arrangement, this moment, made it somehow perfect. Kurt’s hand came up to hold the back of Kim’s head as he twisted to cradle her in his arms. They rocked slowly, side to side, and then on the second phrase Kim pulled away, beginning the give and take, the push and pull that would carry them through. Kurt followed her, wrapping her back up as their hips shifted in perfect latin rhythm.

It was sexy, definitely, but it was also reflective, and then, as the music built, more daring. Unlike most rumbas on the show, theirs was fast, as befitted the song and its title. Kim flashed past him time after time, going out on her own before coming back when she remembered that her hand was still in his. As the song asked “maybe you could take me in, somewhere underneath your skin,” Kurt pulled Kim close before bending her back over his hands in a low dip.

A measure later, she was on her feet again, and they moved across the floor in tandem, taking turns chasing and being chased. Their every movement embodied risk and reward; Kim’s fierce grin as they raced toward the end made Kurt believe that reward would win out when all was said and done. And then, somehow, the music was slowing again. Kim came back to Kurt, her hands cradling his face until he lifted one to turn her in a slow circle, once and then again. By the final refrain, Kim had melted into Kurt’s arms, her head tucked under Kurt’s chin. The music faded away, and Kurt looked up, only to discover that Blaine was nowhere to be found.

Kurt schooled his expression into something other than the mild panic he was feeling before he pulled back from Kim to head for the judges. He missed most of what they said, but figured from Kim’s excited hops next to him that they had to have been pretty good comments. Kim dragged him up the steps to receive their scores - 8s and a 9 from Bruno - and then steered him backstage so they could change for the group dance.

They made it back to the Celebraquarium just in time to see Blaine and Bitsy take the floor. Blaine looked jumpy, and Bitsy had him by the shoulder, whispering rapidly into his ear. He smiled as they moved apart again, but even from this distance, Kurt could tell that it wasn’t his usual exuberant grin. Kurt couldn’t decide whether it would be worse for Blaine’s mood to be the result of the dance or his thoughts about Kurt’s performance.

“Bold move, Hummel,” Santanta said as she sat down next to him to watch. “Curly Sue looked like he didn’t know what hit him.”

“Excuse me?” Kurt was distracted by the beginning of Blaine and Bitsy’s dance, which looked profoundly mediocre.

“Wow, looks like you broke him. Or he’s just hopeless at romance. Maybe both.” Santana busied herself arranging her skirt just so across her lap. “Anyway, he seemed to like your little demonstration. Hard to tell with all that smiling he does all the time, but he didn’t run screaming from the room, so.”

“Uh, thanks?”

“Yeah, well, I think I’ve earned my Queer Scouts badge for the day,” Santana replied, which Kurt figured was her version of you’re welcome. He thought he was beginning to see why she and Brit made sense, in an off-beat way.

They both turned their attention back to the couple on the floor, who were getting along well enough. Kurt had been too distracted earlier to keep track of where everyone stood on the leaderboard, and he was afraid that ‘not terrible’ wasn’t going to be enough to keep Blaine out of the bottom two on Tuesday. Guilt flooded him, along with thoughts of all the things he should have done differently. The moment hadn’t been right, he was being selfish to do something so dramatic just before Blaine danced…the thoughts went round and round, broken only when Blaine and Bitsy finished and were headed back up toward him.

On their way past, Blaine caught Kurt’s eye, giving him a look that spoke volumes, if only Kurt were fluent. He didn’t have time to dwell on it, though, because they were due up for the group dance in a matter of minutes. As if on cue, Kim came to find him.

“Anything?” she asked, searching his expression carefully.

“No, not yet. No time.” Kurt stood, and Kim looped her arm through his.

“It’ll be fine,” she said. Kurt really, really wanted her to be right.

fiction, his perfect partner, kurt/blaine, glee

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