His Perfect Partner (7/?)

Mar 19, 2012 14:15

Title:  His Perfect Partner (7/?)
Rating:  R
Pairings:  Kurt/Blaine, with appearances by Burt/Carole, Tina/Mike, Mercedes/Sam, Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Finn
Spoilers: None, but assume that anything through 3.14 is fair game for inspiration.
Word Count: 2770
Summary:  After five disappointing seasons on the show, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory.  With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned.  Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.

In This Chapter: It's show day!  The couples prepare, Kurt and Blaine talk, and there's a whole lot of dancing going on.

Author's Note:  This is a Dancing with the Stars/Glee crossover AU, in which Kurt grew up dancing and became a professional on the show in his mid-twenties, and Blaine is a pop star with a very private private life.  Other familiar Glee faces, some actual DWTS pros, and a couple of OCs appear to round out the cast of characters.  I'll be posting twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.  I have a master glee post here, or follow my bff's tumblr for updates and some fun multi-media extras that will go along with most chapters.  Thanks to
wintercreek, and
gypsyangel25 for the beta as well as for general cheer-leading and fun times.

As the sun rose on Monday morning, Kurt headed for the beach. He liked the quiet of the streets in the pre-dawn darkness as he drove west. He loved being alone with his thoughts, knowing that the day could bring any number of things, but that he was in charge of only a few of them. He could dance well, and he could be an excellent partner. Beyond that, he had to let the day be what it would.

He found his way to the same stretch of empty sand on premiere day every season. The trip had become the cornerstone of his pre-show ritual, centering him for the work that lay ahead. The night before had been a little stressful, considering that Blaine was throwing him off completely. Cedes had talked him down, though, and he’d gotten a decent amount of sleep. If his dreams had been filled with earnest eyes and beautiful smiles and deliciously strong shoulders, well, that couldn’t really be helped, could it? At least the dreams had been sweet. Kurt smiled impishly to himself as he dug his toes into the sand.

He walked for half an hour, letting his mind wander and empty and fill again. The day would be a whirlwind, but the dawn was just for him. His family and friends knew to leave him alone until he got to the studio at ten, in time for a final rehearsal, dress, and the show. Even then, the pros knew to leave him alone as he got ready, and the celebs would learn soon enough. Kim was under strict instructions to meet him in one of the small rehearsal rooms at ten thirty, and their schedule was mapped out precisely from that moment on. Before they knew it, the first show would be over and they’d be headed to dinner with their families. For now, Kurt relished the anticipation amidst the quiet lap of waves on sand. Good or bad, today was the day.


Back at the studio later that morning, Kurt went about his show-day routine with cheerful efficiency. Performing live exhilarated him rather than making him nervous, which was a good thing considering the nerves he always suffered from on results show days. He was glad the first results show wouldn’t be until the following week. He and Kim ran through the dance a few times, keeping things light and easy, and then headed for wardrobe to get into their costumes for dress rehearsal. They’d gone with an electric blue and black theme, which Kurt thought was relatively flattering, even with the profusion of sequins on Kim’s barely there skirt.

“This is so fun,” Kim said, shimmying her way down the hall toward the ballroom. “I feel like Molly, getting to play dress up!”

“You’re absurd,” Kurt said, wrapping one arm around her waist. “I’m glad you’re having a good time.”

“Oh, I really am. I can’t wait to get out there and show them my stuff.”

“Let’s try to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions, shall we?” Kurt said, amused.

“You have nothing to worry about. Sam and his crew have me so taped up and strapped down it’s going to take paint remover and a jackhammer to get me out of this thing.”

“America’s Sweetheart, ladies and gentleman,” Kurt said, and Kim cuffed him in the ear.

“You really have no room to talk, you know. I can see your bellybutton with the way that shirt is cut.”

“That’s the idea, genius.”

“Oh, it is genius,” Kim said, fluttering her lashes at him and smirking. “We’ll have all the ladies and gents drooling.”

“If they’re not laughing too hard at our song choice and your antics to see,” Kurt replied.

“They’re going to love us.”

“They really are.” Kurt grinned at her, and Kim grinned right back. They were ready.


With twenty minutes to go before show time, backstage was bustling and the ballroom was filled with people. From his vantage point in the wings, Kurt could see his parents settling into their customary seats in the third row. Carole looked beautiful in the merlot-colored dress Kurt had helped her pick out the last time he had been home. Two rows in front of them, Grant was wrangling Molly and Jake, who were both dressed to the nines and bouncing excitedly in their chairs. Kurt belatedly wished their seats came with seatbelts to curtail any impulses they might have to run out on the floor when their mother was dancing.

“There’s nothing like a full house, is there?” Blaine’s voice was close, husky and quiet. Kurt turned slightly to face him, and Blaine’s ever-present smile warmed. “I love the anticipation. It’s almost better than the actual performance.”

“I guess. But I really don’t think there’s much that’s better than dancing full out, with lights and costumes and an audience watching,” Kurt replied.

“I’ll have to try that and get back to you. In, say, two hours or so?” Blaine bumped his shoulder against Kurt’s.

“Sounds good.” Kurt brushed a nonexistent lock of hair off his forehead and turned back to face the audience. “So do you not get nervous or what?”

“Oh, no, I definitely get nervous. I just tend to channel it directly into my performance. Luckily I’ve learned how to tone it down over the years. My brother says I was like an insane jumping bean when I first started.” Blaine chuckled.

“Tell me there’s video.”

“If there is - and that’s a big if - I’ll never tell.”

“You’re no fun,” Kurt said.

“I have it on good authority that I’m lots of fun,” Blaine replied. Before Kurt’s mind could go down a road he definitely did not have time for, Blaine continued. “My friends have tons of stories to prove it.”

“And these friends - are they here tonight?” Kurt looked back out into the ballroom, scanning for unfamiliar faces. “Because I might need to go over and say hello, ask them a few questions…”

“Oh, no way,” Blaine said, grabbing Kurt by the arm as though he might go charging across the room at any second. “I only allow them to interact with new people under strictly controlled circumstances.”

“Which means you’re bringing them out to the bar with you tonight, right?”

“Sadly, yes.” Blaine sighed dramatically, his hand still curled, warm and distracting, around Kurt’s upper arm.

“You do realize that once Kim gets within five feet of them, they’ll be spilling all your secrets?”

“It won’t even take that. They’re very bad at keeping secrets and very good at embarrassing me.”

“And here I thought tonight might be boring,” Kurt said, his head a little foggy from the proximity and the touching. Blaine’s fingers were now moving slightly on Kurt’s arm, and he could feel a blush threatening to creep up his neck.

“That’s rarely the case when my friends are involved.” Blaine smiled and let his fingers drift down Kurt’s arm and away. “So we should probably head back before our partners come looking for us.”

“Show’s about to start,” Kurt agreed.

“What do you say we have some fun tonight?” Blaine asked. His usual grin took on a wicked glint. “Let’s shake things up.”

“How about I worry about shaking it, and you worry about staying on your feet?” Kurt shot back, glancing over his shoulder at Blaine as he started heading backstage.

“Oh, it’s like that, is it? Someone’s a little competitive.”

“Damn right,” Kurt said, slowing a little so Blaine could catch up. “I intend to win this season, and I’m not about to let you get in my way.”

“We’ll see about that,” Blaine said, his chin coming up.

“We certainly will,” Kurt agreed, and they lapsed into silence as they went to find their partners. The show was starting, and the competition between them was about to heat up.


Even though he knew it was better in terms of the audience remembering them, Kurt hated dancing late in the show. Up in the Celebraquarium, the open room at the back of the ballroom where the competitors waited their turn to dance, Kim chatted easily with everyone in the cast, and Kurt paced as often as he could get away with it. When the cameras were on them, he sat obediently next to Kim or let Brit drape herself across him, a perfect show smile on his face. He clapped politely for each of the couples as they performed, throwing in a cheer or two when his friends danced. And he breathed a giant sigh of relief when the sixth couple headed down to the floor and he and Kim could slip backstage to warm up.

“You ready, Mr. Ants-in-Your-Pants?” Kim asked as she bent at the waist, looping her arms behind her knees to stretch out.

“Very,” Kurt said. “I hate waiting.”

“Now there’s a shock,” Kim said dryly.

“Oh, shut up. You’re just as anxious to get out there as I am - admit it.”

“I really am,” Kim stood up again, a brilliant smile on her face. “Should we run it one more time?”

“No,” Kurt decided. “You’ve got this. Just come here for a second.”

“Sure.” Kim crowded in close, her arms wrapping around Kurt’s neck as she rested her forehead against his.

“Ok. First things first: deep breath.” They breathed together for a minute, falling naturally in sync. “Great. Now forget everything your brain knows about technique and steps.”

“Really?” Kim asked, but she didn’t move.

“Absolutely. You know it all. It’s in your body; you don’t need to think about it anymore. Just dance. Now tell me who you are in this one.”

“I’m a dancer, the best one I know. I’m hot, but I don’t have to oversell it.” Kim smiled, her eyes closed. “And I’m having the time of my life, dancing with the best partner I could ask for.”

“Amen,” Kurt said, kissing her cheek. “And right back at you. You’re going to be incredible. Enjoy it.”

“I plan to.” She stepped back from him, her eyes bright and twinkling. When the call came for them to take their places, she led the way onto the floor.


Dancing was Kurt’s favorite thing, but he could never quite find the words to explain the experience once it was over. Looking across at Kim as she mirrored his steps, her smile miles wide, he knew she got it. He’d never have to describe the thrill to her, because she was living it.

She wasn’t perfect, of course. Her technique could still use some work, and her stamina for complicated choreography wasn’t where it would be in a few more weeks, but she had the spirit of it. She was a dancer, someone who loved to move. Everything else could be learned.

When their song had first started, the audience had laughed, but then they’d grown quiet and focused, just as Kurt had intended. The idea was gimmicky, but the dancing was not. The smiles on two of the judges’ faces and the frown on the third’s told him he’d hit it just right.

Kim whirled around him, her feet fast and sure. She was sassy and flirty and had the audience in the palm of her hand. Her grin told him and everyone watching that she was having the time of her life, but she wasn’t taking any of it too seriously. She knew how to sell it, and she knew how to have a blast in the process.

The dance ended, the audience cheered, and Kim threw her arms around Kurt’s neck, laughing.

“That was awesome!” she said loudly enough for the first few rows to hear. “Can we do it again?”

“How’s next week?” Kurt asked as he steered her toward Tom and the judges.


Tom was already talking, commenting on their fun routine and then throwing to Bruno at the judges’ table. Bruno, as usual, babbled nonsense, which Kurt explained to Kim in an undertone. It was never a good idea to listen to Bruno and his metaphors too closely. Len went next, calling their routine unorthodox with his lips pursed, but he went on to say he admired the development of Kim’s technique so far and thought she had a lot of potential. Kurt counted that as a win.

And then the final judge on the panel, only in her second season with the show, leaned forward. She was scowling, but Kurt expected nothing less.

“Porcelain,” Sue said, looking straight at Kurt. “While I appreciate that all that hairspray you use may have caused some prepubescent brain damage, that does not explain why you would dance a cha cha to a song as offensive to good taste as ‘Push It.’”

“Oh, Kurt didn’t pick it. I did!” Kim said cheerily, before Kurt could reply. Laughter rippled through the audience.

“Well then,” Sue said. “Your footwork didn’t make me want to gouge my eyes out with one of these ostentatious scoring paddles. I suppose you’ll do.”

And that was that. Tom chattered for another minute, sending the show to commercial, and Kurt and Kim hustled back up to the Celebraquarium, getting high fives and hugs from the other dancers. A few minutes later, they scooped up two 7s - from Sue and Len - and an 8 from Bruno for a very respectable first score of 22. Kurt explained to Kim that a 7 from Len on the first week meant he thought she could be great. And even though they’d taken away all of Sue’s scoring paddles below a 5 after last season’s debacle, a 7 from her probably meant that Sue wasn’t going to try to destroy them.

“And that’s good?” Kim asked as they settled down at the balcony railing to watch the final competitors.

“That’s amazing, actually. She’s insane, but if she likes you, or at least doesn’t hate you, it really helps our chances.”

“Ok then,” Kim said. “Ooooh, look who’s up. It’s your boyfriend!”

“He is not my boyfriend,” Kurt muttered, watching Blaine and Bitsy make their way to the floor. “I really hope he’s better than he was at dress.”

“Aw, look, you’re so concerned for him. It’s sweet.” Kim leaned into Kurt’s side, eyelashes fluttering.

“I’m being a friend.”

“You’re my friend too, right?”

“Of course,” Kurt said, confused.

“Well I really hope you don’t stare at my ass quite as intensely as you’re staring at his, even if it is a ‘friend’ thing,” Kim said. Kurt flushed and looked over at her.

“I don’t even know what to say to that,” he finally said.

“How about, ‘Yes, Kim, you are absolutely right. I totally have the hots for that scrumptious piece of mancandy, who is most definitely gay.’ Does that work?”

“I’m getting you a muzzle.”

“I love you too, sweetums,” Kim said, resting her cheek on Kurt’s shoulder as Blaine and Bitsy’s music started.

The second the lights came up, Kurt was mesmerized. Blaine’s smile was brilliant, and he was dancing like he was having the time of his life. Bitsy had gone with slightly more traditional choreography, which Kurt had to admit worked for them. She hadn’t made it too easy on Blaine, either, which happened too frequently when it came to male celebs on this show. They looked great together, tiny and adorable and sassy. Kurt couldn’t help but smile and applaud as their routine ended. It was a great note for the first show to finish on.

They did well, scoring a 22 like Kurt and Kim had. Len, always a sucker for tradition, gave them an 8, while Bruno and Sue both gave them 7s. Sue had called them tiny hobbit dancers, but Kurt was pretty sure that was almost a compliment.

All the dancers made their way back down to the ballroom floor, standing in a semi-circle as Tom wrapped up the show. Blaine and Bitsy were directly across from Kim and Kurt. Blaine was bopping around in his own little world while Bitsy chatted to the couple next to her. Kurt smiled as Blaine did a little spin and grinned out at the audience. He really was adorable when he wasn’t being confusing and overly nice.

Kurt was startled back into awareness of the room at large when Kim slipped her arms around his waist.

“Good first show?” she asked.

“Amazing first show,” Kurt said. “And just think - next week we get to do it all again.”

“Hooray!” Kim said, and Kurt’s smile matched hers as he realized she meant it. This was going to be his best season ever, no doubt about it.

fiction, his perfect partner, kurt/blaine, glee

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