Oct 21, 2009 22:48

Your character suddenly wakes up, steps through a door, turns around, whatever, and finds him/herself in a large open field bordered on all sides by cornstalks. Judging from the orange-and-black decorations, the fake zombies and mummies liberally scattered about, and the "scary" music playing over hidden speakers, it's a Halloween Party. It's a clear night with a full moon, and the air carries more than a hint of autumn chill. Your character can arrive garbed in whatever attire is desired, whether it be just warm clothing or a Halloween costume.

In one corner of the field is a scattering of picnic tables surrounding a large food table piled high with Halloween treats, such as a giant gelatin-mold brain, cupcakes with spiders on them, or cookies decorated to look like tombstones. On one end of the table are large carafes with hot chocolate, (non-alcoholic) apple cider, and coffee.

On the opposite corner is a large firepit surrounded by log benches, and a table nearby is covered with sticks and supplies for making s'mores. There is also an archway over an opening in the cornstalks, with a large sign that says "MAZE." Should anyone venture into the corn maze, it is quite intricate (and dark, away from the party lights) and could easily keep someone occupied for some time.

And in the center of the field is, of course, the ubiquitous glitter-spraying cod fountain. This time, though, there are apples somehow floating in the basin full of glitter, should anyone decide to go bobbing for apples.

The usual rules apply: be nice, powers are allowed if your threadmates are okay with it, and have fun!


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