Us Army Uniforms by Dmitri Kessel '1941

Mar 16, 2017 22:59

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US Army Nurse (2nd Lieutenant) wearing long regulation officer's overcoat over her uniform

US Army Corporal wearing long regulation overcoat

US Army officer (1st Lieutenant) in regulation service uniform

US Army officer's regulation uniform accessories, including pouches and gun holster

US Army officer (a General's Aide) wearing special formal evening dress uniform

US Army enlisted man in service uniform

US Army officer's regulation uniform accessories, including gloves and collars

US Army officer (1st Lieutenant) in informal post uniform

Various US Army officer's medals, ribbons and insignia, including a Purple Heart and a Marksman's badge

US Army enlisted man wearing newly designed field jacket, which may also be worn by officers

US Army officer (1st Lieutenant) wearing cape over formal evening dress uniform

US Army officer's regulation shoes and socks

Various styles of US Army officer uniform shirts

US Army enlisted man in summer version of both the service and field uniform

US Army Air Corp officer in aviator service uniform (w. early Army Air Force shoulder patch)

US Army officer (a Lt. General's Aide) wearing full dress uniform

Soldier wearing US Army cold weather uniform designed for both enlisted men and officers

US Army officer wearing white mess jacket, appropriate for summer

US Army officer's regulation cape, overcoat, jackets & raincoats hanging from clothes rack

US Army officer (1st Lieutenant) in regulation field uniform

US Army enlisted man in field uniform w. rifle slung over his shoulder

US Army Cavalry officer in service uniform

история Америки, армия, 1940-е, униформа

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