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Comments 17

babytakemy_hand August 24 2010, 16:20:14 UTC
saw volbeat in chicago!! we met Thomas and Anders! My dad showed me Volbeat around a year ago and I was nervous about the concert but it was great!! So glad you made a bost about them bb they need to be heard! <3


foryoursake08 August 24 2010, 16:33:41 UTC
oh you got to see Thomas!! I missed meeting him in Flint :( Volbeat concerts are the best, even when they're just the opener.

<3 Glad to meet another volbeat fan!


babytakemy_hand August 24 2010, 16:56:18 UTC
I'm so happy Thomas was there! There was some news that he wasn't gunna make it (he was sick or something) but last minute he flew in! It was a great great concert and their accents made me smile :)))


babytakemy_hand September 23 2010, 02:32:49 UTC
LJ wont let me into the ONTD community cause im not on it all the time BUT i was checkin out the comments for the nwe HP trailer (cause they make me all giddy when i see other people excited as i am teehee) and I saw your name! Great to know you have awesome taste in books too :))))


babytakemy_hand April 1 2011, 23:52:44 UTC
I forgot to tell you!! I saw Volbeat in Chicago this past Sunday!! Amazing concert but it was a slightly bigger venue so we didn't get to meet them after wards :(

Great concert! Songs from new and old albums! people started moshing though and it got dangerous and took away from the music but ohhhhh well still great! Anders was lookin fine as usual :)


foryoursake08 April 2 2011, 01:53:16 UTC
OMG YOU'RE SO LUCKY! I couldn't afford to see Volbeat on this tour :( I'm so sad! It's the first tour they've done in the US that I've missed :( I've seen them every other time and I love the new CD and I wanted to hear new songs :(

Anders is such a sweetheart. Ah, him and Jon were both so nice.

Hopefully the next time they tour I have money and can see them again! I still need Thomas to sign my Guitar Gangsters CD!


babytakemy_hand April 6 2011, 05:00:12 UTC
OH NO! I wish you could have went I loveeeee the new album I feel like I can distinguish the different songs compared to the older albums (I stil have trouble with the words hahah!)

I know when the come back to the US again their venues are going to be SOO much bigger. The place was PACKED!!! way bigger than last summer when we spoke! I hope they don't change from all of their popularity!


foryoursake08 April 6 2011, 05:33:33 UTC
I know, I was so sad :( Did they play Thanks? I love the fuck outta that song, lol.

I'm so worried it's going to be bigger venues and more expensive and we're going to lose the opportunity to hang out with them and talk. I mean, I was able to stand there and talk with both Jon and Anders. Michael was completely swarmed, but that's not a big surprise. I want them to have huge success, but I don't want to lose the chance to be able to talk to them :(


babytakemy_hand August 20 2011, 04:31:54 UTC
It's time for our usual concert talk :))

I saw Volbeat on Wednesday downtown Chicago at the House of Blues!

My ears are still ringing! Oh my I'm on cloud 9


foryoursake08 August 20 2011, 12:28:02 UTC
omg! SO LUCKY! I am so mad, I hadn't been paying attention to volbeat lately and I completely missed that they came right here to Cincinnati last month! I am so mad and sad :( I still haven't heard the new songs live. It sucks!

But I'm glad you had a good time! was it packed?


babytakemy_hand August 22 2011, 22:33:18 UTC
Long story short, all of a sudden on facebook (I'm a fan of Volbeat on there) the day before the concert, it pops up saying 2 tix for 1 deal, click here! And the first thought that comes to my mind is 'Oh shit they must not have sold alot ( ... )


foryoursake08 August 23 2011, 02:20:02 UTC
Ah, I've always wanted to see Avenged, but I don't like em enough to pay for tickets for them headlining, this would have been nice. damn.

lol Cold. I can't believe those bastards are still around! I liked their one song, Stupid Girl, way back in the day. haha

Awww, the concert sounds great! They are so awesome live, I love them. And yes, Anders is such a flirt! I remember when I got to meet them last year, Jon was very sweet and Anders was a big flirt. I was wearing a Dommin shirt and Anders was like "you're wearing the wrong shirt!" so my friend let me borrow his big Volbeat shirt and I put it on and Anders goes "that is better!" He was so nice. I had to get in line for him again because I forgot to get my CD signed! lol.

I wish I could get to one of the shows on this tour. I'm so mad at myself for not paying attention to their tour schedule! Hopefully they will come back next year sometime.

I'm glad you had a good time!


my_anonymity November 22 2011, 00:21:19 UTC

LJ app won't let me reply to your response. I just wanted to say thanks. :)


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