Welcome (and rules)

Aug 26, 2007 14:03

The purpose of the Forty or Better Smutathon is to celebrate the sexiness of older characters in their emotional and physical maturity, and to provide a counterpoint to the assumption that only young bodies are sexy and that only young people have and enjoy sex.

All fandoms and all erotic permutations (solo, f/f, f/m, m/m, threesomes and moresomes) are welcome.

Before you sign up, please read our rules carefully. If your request violates a rule, you will be asked to amend it. If you don't fix your request before the sign-up deadline, it will be deleted and you will not be allowed to participate.

This is NOT the sign-up post (that's over here). Read this post first.


1) At least one member of the pairing must be forty or older in canon. The character must have reached forty by the close of canon (or, for fandoms with ongoing canon, by the state of canon as of August 26, 2007). Futurefics with canonically younger characters "aged up" (e.g., a Buffy/Xander futurefic where they're both 45) are not allowed.

2) Characters who are forty-plus but who canonically look significantly younger are not eligible. This category includes non-aging or rejuvenating characters such as Spike, Angel, Duncan MacLeod, Methos, Captain Jack Harkness, or the young-seeming Doctors from Doctor Who. It does NOT include characters who just happen to be played by youthful-looking actors (e.g., Christian Troy from Nip/Tuck).

3) If a character's age is not established in canon, we will accept any character who reasonably seems to be forty or older. Please keep to the spirit of the ficathon and don't ask for a character you know doesn't qualify.

4) Only one character in the pairing is required to be canonically forty-plus; the other character(s) may be younger.

5) Pre-canon pastfics are acceptable, provided that at least some of the story (including a sex scene) takes place while a character is forty or older.

6) RPF (Real People Fic) is allowed. When posted, it must include a disclaimer that clearly states the story is a work of fiction.

7) Stories must be compatible with the "older characters are hot" spirit of the ficathon. This doesn't mean you can't write a dark or unhappy story. But we don't want, for example, a story in which Buffy has sex with Giles out of pity and spends the whole time feeling disgusted by his aging body.

8) Stories must be at least somewhat sexually explicit (rated R or NC-17 in American terms). This is a smutathon, after all.

9) Do not write character death, rape/noncon, MPREG, or major kink (such as heavy-duty BDSM) unless the recipient has specifically requested it.

10) Minimum story length is 750 words.

11) All sign-ups must include three requests. At least one request must be in a fandom from the "Large Fandoms" list below. This is to smooth the inevitable request-matching problems in a multi-fandom ficathon. Your other two requests may involve any fandom you wish.

12) To participate, you must be willing to write at least one of the fandoms in the "Large Fandoms" list.

13) No crossovers. Sorry, but matching requests and writers is going to be hard enough already.

14) Stories are due Sunday, November 4th. We would prefer that you post the actual story to this community, but you may also post a link to your own journal (or to your IJ, GJ, JF, personal website, etc., for those who prefer not to post on LJ anymore).

15) If you can't finish your story by the deadline, please notify the organizers as soon as possible. If you default, we will tell the world about it.


Sign-Ups End: Saturday, September 15, at midnight (East Coast US time)
Drop-out Deadline: Saturday, October 27
Stories Due: Sunday, November 4

Guidelines for Sign-Ups

1) Apart from your mandatory "Large Fandoms" request, you can ask for any fandom you want. We'll do our best to match requests for small fandoms, but be aware that it might not be possible.

2) When making your requests, please give the writer some creative freedom. Don't try to specify every detail.

3) Your assignment will contain at least one request that fits what you have volunteered to write. But it may happen that only one request will match. And that request may feature a character or pairing that isn't your favorite. That's the nature of a multi-fandom ficathon--it's impossible to guarantee that everyone will be assigned their preferred thing to write. [If there's a character or pairing that you absolutely cannot write, list it under "things you're not willing to write." If a particular fandom has a whole bunch of characters you can't stand the thought of writing, you might not want to sign up for that fandom.]

4) Per the rules, no story may include character death, rape/noncon, MPREG, or major kink unless specifically requested. So there's no need to say that you don't want these things in your story.

5) If you do not want to write character death, rape/noncon, MPREG, or kink, please don't forget to say so under "things you're not willing to write." Also, please specify if you're not willing to write incest or a pairing with an under-18 character.

6) Please provide the characters' full names in your request. You should also state each character's sex and mention if the pairing you request is incestuous or involves a character under the age of 18. This is to avoid having the mods accidentally make inappropriate assignments.

7) Please follow this rubric when signing up:

E-mail address:

Request 1 (this request MUST be from one of the listed large fandoms)
Character or pairing:
What do we need to know about this pairing? (Sexes of characters involved, is there an under-18 character, is it incest, anything else that might be an issue for the writer.):
Three things you want:
Two things you don't want:

Request 2 (wildcard--any fandom)
Character or pairing:
What do we need to know about this pairing?:
Three things you want:
Two things you don't want:

Request 3 (wildcard--any fandom)
Character or pairing:
What do we need to know about this pairing?:
Three things you want:
Two things you don't want:

Which of the following categories are you willing to write: girlslash, boyslash, het, girlslash threesomes/moresomes, boyslash threesomes/moresomes, mixed threesomes/moresomes?

List all of the fandoms you're willing to write. This must include at least one fandom from the Large Fandoms list.

List anything (besides what's already been asked about) that you're not willing to write. Be reasonable, please.

Are you willing/able to write a backup story if needed?

Large Fandoms List

All sign-ups MUST include one fandom on this list. You must also sign up to (potentially) write at least one of these fandoms.

Our list of eligible characters for each fandom is not comprehensive--it's just meant as a guideline. You may request minor characters who are not listed.

Characters listed as "ineligible" are mentioned because there may be some uncertainty about their ages. Ineligible characters may be written in a pairing with an eligible character.

Battlestar Galactica: Laura Roslin, Bill Adama, Saul Tigh, Ellen Tigh, Tom Zarek.

Buffyverse: Rupert Giles, Joyce Summers, Ethan Rayne, Mayor Wilkins, Sheila Rosenberg. [Ineligible characters: Spike, Angel, Darla, Drusilla.]

CSI: Gil Grissom, Jim Brass, Catherine Willows, Dr. Al Robbins, Lady Heather.

Doctor Who: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth Doctors; older incarnations of the Master; older Sarah Jane Smith; Harriet Jones; older Brigadier. [Ineligible characters: Fifth, Eighth, and Tenth Doctors; Jack Harkness; the season three (new series) version of the Master.]

due South: Bob Fraser, Harding Welsh, Buck Frobisher, Mort Gustafson, Damian and Barbara Kowalski.

Harry Potter: Dumbledore, McGonagall, Voldemort, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Lucius Malfoy. [Ineligible characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape. And even in the epilogue, Harry, Ron, Hermione, etc. are still too young.]

House: Greg House, James Wilson, Lisa Cuddy.

Heroes: Noah Bennet, Sandra Bennet, Claude, Angela Petrelli, Linderman, Kaito Nakamura.

Supernatural: John Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Bobby Singer, older (AU) Mary Winchester.

Stargate SG1: Teal'c, George Hammond, Hank Landry, Jack O'Neill, Kasuf, Sara O'Neill, Charlie Kawalsky, Harry Maybourne, Dr. Bill Lee, Jacob Carter, Master Bra'tac, Sergeant Siler, Catherine Langford.

The West Wing: Jed Bartlet, Abbey Bartlet, Leo McGarry, Toby Ziegler, C. J. Cregg, Josh Lyman, Sam Seaborn.

X-Men movieverse: Xavier, Magneto, Hank McCoy, William Stryker. [Ineligible characters: Wolverine, Mystique.]


Questions? Please comment on this post or e-mail one of the mods: kindkit64 AT yahoo DOT com or wisdomeagle AT hotmail DOT com.

rules, !admin

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