10th Case - [Voice]/[Action] - Backdated to June 20th

Jun 29, 2011 02:43


[There isn't much to hear when the journal first turns on just the wind blowing and the soft rustling of the grass surrounding it.  Eventually a familiar voice comes up on the other end of the journal, though it's quiet]

...I'm...alive...[a pause] ...why...?


[It's been a few hours since the fight between Naoto and Vanitas ended so it ( Read more... )

[voice], +rise, [action], results from battle with vanitas, +hubert, +nitta, luceti, +kouki, no more gun, +ventus, +roxas, in so much pain, +sora

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[ action ] mistyarc June 29 2011, 11:08:50 UTC
[Trekking across the forest doesn't often involve finding a head accessory, though it seems to be the case this evening. The hat stands out on a heap of leaves. Hubert glances left and right; seeing no one coming his way to retrieve it, he picks it up. The owner should be nearby if he or she cares.

He continues walking, though he slow his pace in case the aforementioned owner is close and searching. Before long, he makes a turn and is abruptly met with a semi-bloody sight of someone . . . surprisingly familiar. Vaguely. He stops mid-step, surprised.]



[ action ] fortune_prince June 29 2011, 14:57:37 UTC
[Even when Hubert says her name, it takes her mind a second or two to register it then she moves her gaze from the sky to the person addressing her. Her vision hasn't exactly recovered entirely so Hubert looks like just a blue blur to her but his voice is recognizable even though they've only spoken once.

With the bruises on her jaw it's difficult to speak at a normal volume so when she does speak, it's rather quiet] ...Hubert..san?


[ action ] mistyarc June 29 2011, 20:50:55 UTC
[He's rushing to her side by the time she calls his name. He crouches beside her, sets the hat aside and looks her over for visible injuries she's sustained.]

What happened? [He sees the bruises.] No, don't answer. You need to be taken back for proper medical aid.

[Regardless, he raises both hands over her shoulder -- not touching, but close. Before he does anything else, Hubert states his intent. If she's against it, it's time for her to shake her head now.]

I will treat what damage I can here.


[ action ] fortune_prince June 30 2011, 05:33:01 UTC
[She can see him moving his mouth but the words are coming out muffled though there are a few that she can make out, like 'medical' and 'treat'. Hell if he can help take a bit of the pain away, she isn't going to say no.

But instead of saying anything, she simply nods]


[ action ] mistyarc June 30 2011, 05:52:59 UTC
[Good. His hands begin to glow, and he concentrates the magic onto her shoulder. Slowly, the injury closes enough that blood no longer runs from it. Although the gash is still there, he moves on and focuses on the rest of Naoto. Looking as beat up as she is, her body must be aching -- especially her jaw. It's a fairly lengthy process that takes up a few minutes, as he tries to be as precise and thorough as possible.]


[ action ] fortune_prince June 30 2011, 06:57:40 UTC
[Ah-it feels warm. She relaxes a bit as the pain slowly begins to subside just a little. It's much more comfortable when her body isn't screaming at every single move or breath she makes. Though her jaw is going to hurt for a while, pressing against pressure points as hard as Vanitas did will leaving short lasting effects]


[ action ] mistyarc June 30 2011, 07:10:59 UTC
[The healing process takes a moment longer. Having done what he could, the glow fades and he drops his arms to his side. That should last her the rest of the evening, at least in the way of throbbing pain. Some rest and proper treatment of the gash and jaw should wrap it up.]

How are you feeling? If it hurts to speak, simply nod or shake your head.


[ action ] fortune_prince June 30 2011, 07:47:45 UTC
[After he drops his hands, Naoto attempts to sit up a bit more to get comfortable. She's pretty determined to talk so this time she does]

Still hurts a little...but...better. Thank you...


[ action ] mistyarc June 30 2011, 07:55:52 UTC
[He glances at her shoulder, then back to her face.]

What happened?

[Something quick would suffice. They should be going back to the village (the clinic, perhaps) now.]


[ action ] fortune_prince June 30 2011, 17:46:40 UTC
I fought against Vanitas...

[Pretty good short summary right? And what makes her more upset is the fact that he's taken her gun]


[ action ] mistyarc June 30 2011, 22:57:43 UTC
Vanitas . . .

[That's good enough for now. He straightens.]

Can you walk?


[ action ] fortune_prince July 1 2011, 16:56:14 UTC
[That is a very good question. She's sore but that doesn't mean she can't walk, so very carefully, she makes her way on to her feet. Not too bad, just a little wobbly]

I can walk. [Maybe]


[ action ] mistyarc July 1 2011, 19:05:07 UTC
[He follows suit, rising and grabbing the hat again along the way.]

Then we'll head back to the village. You require rest.


[ action ] fortune_prince July 2 2011, 01:49:21 UTC

[She takes a hesitant step forward to make sure her legs don't decide to give out on her then continues to walk once she confirms that she can walk okay]

Thank you...for helping me...


[ action ] mistyarc July 2 2011, 01:51:33 UTC
[He starts walking when she does, falling into rhythm to match her pace. He fixes his glasses.]

It's nothing. By the way . . .

[He raises the hat in her direction.]

Is this yours?


[ action ] fortune_prince July 2 2011, 02:08:34 UTC
[She stops walking at the sight of her hat. That's weird...had it blown off her head while she was passed out? But she nods and holds her hand out to take it]

Yes, it is...where did you find it?


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