Let me first apologize for waiting so long to post this, I meant to do it weeks ago.
Like last year (Round 2), the bonus content is open to anyone who wants to write/create art based on the left over prompts (aka anything not listed as "claimed") as well as using their own ideas/prompts if none of the left over ones appeal to them, the only requirement is that Neville is the main character.
Any stories and or art that are submitting under this section will be posted after the last official story/art piece is posted and before the master list is posted. It is open to anyone (including those signed up for the fest who decide to write/create a second piece).
All of the prompts that are not marked as claimed (or striked out on the spreadsheet) are open and there are no restrictions regarding how many times they can be chosen. The prompts can be found
If you're interested in this, please comment below and let us know. NO SIGN UP REQUIRED!
Please note that all stories/art for this section must be in our inbox no later than August 1st (unless prior contact is made with us regarding an extension).
Below the cut you will find our modified submission information. (Submission information for people who signed up through claims can be found on this
- Story/art must be new and not posted anywhere else
- All stories must be 1,000 to 10,000 words
- Art must be completely finished, preferably colorized, but black and white is good, too
- All stories must be beta’d before submitting
- All stories must be formatted properly with HTML for italics, bolds, etc before submitting (Guide for Basic HTML Formatting*)
- While it is ok to make up some of your own spells and what not, potterwords* is a great source for correct names and words from the HP books
- All stories/art must have a proper rating on it, if there is nudity at all or non-graphic sex it needs to be an R, for any thing showing genitals and or sexual acts it needs to be rated NC-17. - Please note that these type of submissions will be marked with the Adult content warning.
- * Please note that the websites mentioned above are in no way affiliated with this fest. They are merely listed as references. Any guidelines listed on them are not required for this fest. The only requirements for this fest are listed here on fortheloveofhp. Feel free to ask a question on our FAQs post if you need clarification on something.
File Types
- For Stories/Headers - please save your file as a .txt or .doc/.docx file with the correct HTML codes, also make sure you have a blank line between paragraphs. For people submitting .docx files, please make sure you disable the default spacing settings on your files. Instructions for Word 2007 or Word 2010.
First paragraph of your story.
Second paragraph of your story.
- For Art - please keep your files under 1MB. The images will be stored on photobucket (unless someone has a better suggestion as to where we should store the art images for this fest).
- All stories must have the correct header at the top of the file they are submitting
- All art must have the correct header in a secondary attachment
Story Header
Title:Username:Pairing:Type: (ie Het, Slash, Femslash, Threesome/Moresome, Gen)
Prompt #:Rating:Word Count:Warnings/content: (ie abuse, graphic sex, etc)
Summary:Notes:Disclaimer: All
Harry Potter characters/references are property of JK Rowling and associates. No copyright infringement is intended.
Art Header
Title:Username:Pairing:Type: (ie Het, Slash, Femslash, Threesome/Moresome, Gen)
Prompt #:Rating:Art Medium:Warnings/content: (ie abuse, graphic sex, etc)
Notes:Disclaimer: All
Harry Potter characters/references are property of JK Rowling and associates. No copyright infringement is intended.
How To Submit
- Attach your file(s) to an email with the subject Bonus content - (your username) - prompt # and email it to fortheloveofhp @ gmail . com.