Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Feb 26, 2008 22:15

(1) Jericho has somehow become totally fucking awesome. Like, last season, it was just a guilty pleasure. But this season? I don't think a single episode of Heroes set me off like tonight's Jericho did. Not even "Powerless". And speaking of "Powerless"...

(2) Tonight's episode of Jericho featured an Indian doctor giving an injection to the tortured ( Read more... )

tv: jericho, tv: heroes, fandom

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Comments 5

jimmiefearsylar February 27 2008, 05:29:24 UTC
Oh man! I want to comment so badly, but I am afraid to read lest I be spoiled! So, instead I skimmed! But, I will just say that I am almost caught up (I have 2 more eps to watch to wrap up season 1. I will be taking care of that shortly.) but so far I am really liking it and have no idea why I did not watch all along. (Plus, the show gets bonus points for eliminating almost every character I hate. There are only two left, one of which I am sure is 100% safe, but the other one.. oh man, I hate that guy! Worst newly-elected mayor ever!) I think it may have something to do with the show being on CBS. I don't really watch any CBS, so I never hear about it.
Also, Hawkins? Yes! I am pretty sure that no matter what anyone else on this show ever does, they will never even approach half of his pure, unadulterated awesomeness. I mean, he had me when he stopped his mission to go and grab the (annoying) wife and (slightly less annoying) kids. Okay, he had me before that, but that was nice too. I am considering a DVD purchase, as I must spread the ( ... )


forsquilis February 27 2008, 05:40:39 UTC
Mmmm...even if you'd read it closely, I don't think it really would have spoiled you. But that's OK, because I think the episodes are all up on, so as soon as you finish S1, you can catch up!

I tried watching this show last year and hated it. Then my BFF said, "Look, watch it with an eye for the comedy, because there are a lot of stupid people to laugh at." And I realized she was right - Jericho seems to have a very high percentage of people who were probably still eating paste in the sixth grade. But then? I realized just how awesome Hawkins is. I mean...oh, man. He is the voice of reason. And of awesomeness. And then I realized Jake is fairly awesome, too, when he isn't emo-ing like Peter Petrelli. (Hawkins is good at talking him down from that in S2, though.) And now, frankly, I was excited about this season just for Hawkins' sake.

Seriously, though...the writing staff of Heroes honestly needs to take a page from the way Jericho's season has been laid out. Cut out the extra crap and focus tightly on a half-dozen ( ... )


cerebel February 28 2008, 00:03:48 UTC
I'm so totally with you on this - except I think Jericho was amazing last season, not just this one. I mean, there were definitely a bunch of episodes that were like ".....what" but the run at the very beginning of the season and the very end of the season were absolutely perfect.

And, y'know, I was really afraid second season Jericho would pull a Heroes on me, widen its scope a little too much, freak out, and totally bomb. But I'm consistently surprised and excited by these episodes. Things are happening fast, they're happening all over the place, they're TOTALLY AWESOME, and Hawkins has the biggest balls on the planet.

Also, I like Major Beck.

I could totally see Jake/Kenchy last season - that moment when April is on the operating table, and Jake and Kenchy are alone, outside, and Kenchy says "She is going to die", completely hopeless, and Jake returns it with an equally strong "I know". Right then, I wanted to write something about them.


levitatethis February 28 2008, 02:13:17 UTC
"Jericho" this year is impressing me more than it did during it's first season. I wonder if one of the reasons it feels tighter and better put together (character wise and plot pacing wise) is that they were given a limited reprieve and really had learn to write a much more concise story. It's speculation on my part but I wonder how much of this would have come true had it not been cancelled at the end of last season and instead get picked up for a full season. The only thing I'm still uncertain about regarding "Jericho" is the writing for some of the female's still quite limited and more often than not they feel like accessories (although a few have showed they can be significant motivators within the larger story ( ... )


kalikahuntress February 28 2008, 04:59:26 UTC
Hmmm, I might give Jericho a try then. I didn't love the characters instantly like I did with Torchwood or Heroes but it is sounding good this year.

I agree about Heroes, I'm glad that Kring realizes he needs to focus on a few characters a time and we need to see that in volume three. Obviously, this has done wonders for Jericho and hopefully the same will happen for Heroes.


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