Feb 18, 2011 09:03
[Filtered to all the trolls]
Look, I fucking get it.
I'm a d8nger to myself, the people around me and society itself.
I killed Tavros in a timeline that didn't happen yet, and pro8a8ly would never happen if we talk a8out linearity.
And I killed Aradia and thousands more prior to our g8me.
You guys didn't have to t8ke Kan8ya aw8y though.
♦ kanaya,
the 8's represent my fury,
all my sadfaces,
all aloooooooone
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ThAt aIn't aLl bEiNg mOtHeRfUcKiNg sWeLl bEhAvIoUr.
WhY ThE MoThErFuCk wOuLd tHeY DoNe tHaT?
8ut Terezi said they didn't, so........ may8e she's here somewhere.
GeT YoUr zOnE On aNd mOtHeRfUcKiNg wAiT.
I'M AlL Up cErTaIn kAnAyA WiLl bE BaCk.
ThEy aLwAyS CoMe bAcK.
LiKe mOtHeRfUcKiNg mIrAcLeS.
ThAt sHe'lL CoMe bAcK.
JuSt wAiT, sIsTeR.
ThE MiRaClEs wIlL MoThErFuCkInG CoMe tHrOuGh fOr uS.
BuT I'Ve gOt a gOoD FeElInG FoR ThIs sHiT, yOu kNoW.
JuSt gOtTa mOtHeRfUcKiNg gEt yOuR LiStEn oN To tHe sHiT YoUr mOtHeRfUcKiNg iS SpEaKiNg tO YoU AlL AbOuT.
EvErYtHiNg wIlL Be fUcKiNg oKaY In tHe eNd.
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