Welcome to Forks High, a Twilight Role Playing Community. We do NOT own any of the characters, actors, or places used unless we say it's our own. This community is for the sole purpose of amusement.
How to Play:
1) Make sure to read all of the rules before posting anything.
2) Go to the audition post to audition for a part. Follow the prompt and feel free to ask any questions. New characters are welcome, but it's encouraged to use Stephenie Meyer's characters too.
3) Once approved, make a separate journal for your character. Then post a comment under your audition so we know what your journal is, and request membership in both
forks_high and
4) The mods will post role-play threads on the community for all players to post in, mostly school threads that are open to all high schoolers. Occasionally, we have group plots which all characters are encouraged to participate in. Other players can submit threads as well since obviously we have a lot going on not just within Forks High. Comments on community entries must follow a line - meaning that you always reply to the latest comment posted, even if you're not directly responding to it. It helps keeps things organized! Comments on the community posts are to be in third person. As in 'he said, she said.'
5) Your own posts in your character journals are to be in first person. Be sure that the FIRST THING IN YOUR POST is either the words 'Private,' 'Public,' or 'Selective.' Private means that, yes, what you wrote is posted, but only your character knows it. Others can read it but their characters do not acknowledge what is said. Public, obviously, means anyone can read it. Selective means you have to specify which characters can read it. Here is a link to our community's
friending script, which will enable you to automatically add the active members of the community to your friends list.
6) Everything is IN CHARACTER unless you write 'ooc' (out of character).
Activity Rules:
1) Activity is key. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to share. We want to see you eager and active in participating and making the community a great place to be.
2) We do have an activity rule and that's at least one journal post or thread in the community every two weeks, though of course more is encouraged. If you know you are going to be away for a valid reason, you should post
the away form either in your journal or in the OOC community. After inactivity for two weeks, the mods will try to get in touch with you. If there is no response, your character will then be dropped from the game.
3) Please fill in the away form and post it if you are leaving for a certain amount of time. Also, to keep your character in a well flowing plot RP 'verse, you have the option of having your character(s) dragged around or posting in his/her journal that they too are sick/on vacation/etc.
4. Plot is awesome! We love plot and we love seeing people excited about what their characters are doing.
ooc_fh is a great place to ask for plot. Note: Asking and collaborating is encouraged, beating people over the head for plot is not.
The Golden Rules:
1) Treat all other players (and characters) with respect. Sounds corny, but it's a simple rule to follow. If you have an issue with another player, don't heckle them. Just let the mods know and we can help you work it out.
2) Proper grammar is highly encouraged, and tyPinG LiKe ThIs is not.
3) Recognize the IC-OOC line. What's IC is not OOC so check any drama at the door. You can fight if it's in character, but don't take what's said to heart too much. Again, if you have an issue, that's why the mods are here. Let us know.
4) No god-modding. If you have questions or are unsure about what you can and cannot do, ask the player who is driving the character in question. All major events (death, pregnancy, etc) must be approved by the mods prior to occurring, just so we're all on the same page.
5. HAVE FUN. Seriously. It's all about fun. Easiest rule to stick to, and we're all about good times here. ♥
Note: Don't forget to join
ooc_fh for all of your out-of-character needs! (And a bit of tomfoolery too).