Title: We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow Genre: slice of life, slight angst Rating: pg-13 Side Pairings (if any): friends!kaibaek Warnings: [Click to view]mentions of death, abuse scene, alcoholism, implied homophobia, swearing Word Count: 8,646 Summary: Jongin saves lives through the local crisis hotline. One of them is the same person that once saved him.
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Title: Bourbons, speeches, and other crises Genre: Romance, fluff, ensemble Rating: PG-15 Side Pairings (if any): Baekyeol Warnings: [Click to view]Profanities Word Count: 7.8K Summary: Junmyeon picks them up from the Nice International airport with one of those vans that look like a metal cart on wheels. Author's Note: To my recipient, this was so
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Title: sweet, sweet fantasy Genre fluff/smut/angst Rating: nc-17 Warnings: [Click to view]implied underage drinking Word Count: 11000 Summary: Ice cream soda, cherry on the top. Author's Note: Dear reader. I don’t think I’ve satisfied your prompt as well as I could have, and for that I apologize. I also apologize for the lackluster smut scene
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