Title: Love Someone Genre: Fluff, little bit of angst Rating: PG Warnings: [Click to view]mpreg, minor character death Word Count: 4500 Summary: Kyungsoo’s heart breaks whenever Jongin says that he likes children as long as it was not HIS. Author's Note: Hi, my dear recipient… I really had fun writing this and I hope this could at least put a smile on
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Didn't see it coming eh tho it was a bit odd when Kyungsoo's mom got pregnant and Kyungsoo had to follow her or when Kyungsoo put Taeoh to sleep. Also I thought it was not Jongin's child. Glad that it was Jongin's child oh thank god. I can't even imagine what Kyungsoo felt when he was pregnant, he must be afraid Jongin didn't want it. Glad Jongin accepted Taeoh! The proposal lmao his child said it first!!! Jongin it was supposed to be you who said it!!! But it was so cute and sweet!
Hi this was such a nice read! I really didn't see that (kyungsoo being taeoh's father) coming! But I love how Kyungsoo was so worried about Jongin not accepting him but turning out that he does <333 Ahh this was so enjoyable, thank you for writing this!
Comments 13
This is sooo cute my heart feels so full omg ❤
Plot twist got me shocked literally but ig just made the whole story fluffy
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