Title: Mischief At Its Best Genre: college!au Rating: PG Side Pairings (if any): short mention of BaekYeol Warnings: [Click to view]fluff, cursing due to annoyance or feels Word Count: ~5478 words Summary: Kyungsoo’s breaking all the rules for his little baby and Jongin happens to know about it. Author's Note: This fic was intended to be longer
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The story of their excursion photo was so funny lol and of course Jongin would laugh at Kyungsoo. I'm so happy people didn't find out about Loki! Jongin is so nice lol and the promise he made to Loki!!!! So cute
Aaaaaa too cute and fluffy. They are all adorable in here not just jongin and soo but jongdae with his turtle pet and junmyeon with his little rabbit too . Now I want a pet too.thank you for writing this and sharing
Comments 7
This was a nice read before going to bed <3333 thank you for sharing this to us and thank you for making my day extra warm & fluffy. ❤
kaisoo are walking cuteness but kaisoo plus puppies cuteness are on a whole another level
i love this so much
I'm so happy people didn't find out about Loki!
Jongin is so nice lol and the promise he made to Loki!!!! So cute
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