Title: Hiraeth Genre: angst Rating: NC-17 Side Pairings (if any): Kaibaek, Chansoo Warnings: [Click to view]broken!kaisoo, mentions of abuse of drugs and alcohol, slight rough language, general angst Word Count: 3,876 words Summary: Jongin is selfish. But maybe Kyungsoo isn't generous enough to keep letting the other use him. Author's Note: I
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omg thank u for this im crying so ahrd it was so sad n so good and i jsut ???? i dont deserve this beauty at all . thankbu donmuch ur wtitinng id so good omg ogm omg marry me ???? im dyign ove here im curitn #shookedt oh geez thanj you so much you wrote this so well and i don't think i'd ask for something else EVER this was so good thank you so much ): it was short but lovely.
Whoooooaaaaaaa. I love the suspense built in here. It's dark and foreboding but you're never quite sure which turn it's going to take. I can't tell if we're supposed to think Kai killed himself or if we're just supposed to know Soo still has feelings for him abd doesn't want him to die. I'm going to assume the latter.
Great job building the atmosphere. This fic is unique and therefore, I really like it even though it was sad :((( why you gotta be so shallow Jongin, you hurt your Soo ;____;
It's been a while since I've read brokenkaisoo! but this story was worth it despite all the sadness I'm feeling right now. It was very well written and I enjoyed it so thank you for writing it and sharing it
this was so dark and intense yet sad wow....the cheating and the drug addiction and the feel of hurt and want to revenge...im shook. also i like the ending too..so we can interpret it in many ways. thank for writing!
Comments 6
Great job building the atmosphere. This fic is unique and therefore, I really like it even though it was sad :((( why you gotta be so shallow Jongin, you hurt your Soo ;____;
Thumbs up, authornim!
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