Title: Better This Way
Fandom: FF7
Character: Sephiroth
Rating: G
Words: 232
Summary: Sephiroth realizes a flaw in the grand scheme.
Note: Done for
kf_fics And I think, somewhere, that whole fluff thing died, but he's the Seph muse you wanted! I hope you like it anyway.
It was all rather pointless, unrelieved stupidity, and he was loathe to admit he'd been taken under for so long as he had. His puppet, not broken of the strings, but believing himself such, had oddly been the one to snap him out of the haze that his mother… No, not his mother, simply another of a set of parents, no more important than the one he had never met or Hojo… had kept him under. There was nothing in this for him.
If he destroyed the world, he would lose his playthings. If he destroyed the world, he would be even more alone than he had been before, and then… what use would his mother have for him then, when he'd done her work? He could push her away now, deny her her demands, and he would lose nothing.
He had already lost everything that could have been counted as anything of consequence with his stupidity, but he had also gained as much in turn. The world as his playground, and all that stood in his way was his prized puppet toy.
So he'd cut the strings once and for all and destroy it.
It would be a small loss, compared to everything else, and he would find other ways to gain what his mother had made him crave. But he would have it his way, not hers.
Never hers again.