Title: Of Tricks Notes: This is yours nekokenchan!! ::rechecks letter:: gah I did the wrong name in a prior post didn't I? ::goes to fix it:: Characters: Greed and Envy, with the requested background of the Gate
My roommate asked me what was funny when I giggled. I told her it was nothing, but this is the perfect start to my Monday. I like the positioning of Greeds hand.
::grins::: So that means that You like! Alright, need to find someplace where I can't print it out and send you the paper copy then Don't worry, that'll be sent this week sometime!
And which hand, the one denting his belly of under the skort?
Comments 17
It's pretty...
My roommate asked me what was funny when I giggled. I told her it was nothing, but this is the perfect start to my Monday. I like the positioning of Greeds hand.
And which hand, the one denting his belly of under the skort?
I ment hands.
If you want to do something, feel free, but I can't think of anything really.
Ah well!
Um...is it just me, or is that a gatebaby orgy around the gate?
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