Title: What Could Never Be Drabble Pairings: GD/TOP Rating: pg-13 Summary: The lines begin to blur and Jiyong starts to lose himself. A/N: Constructive Criticism is welcomed and in fact encouraged XD
Yeah, if Jiyong and G-dragon are alike in ways or totally different. Or maybe we're just thinking too hard >.< It makes good fodder for angst though XD
I really enjoy these thoughtful 'snippet' fics and this is really nicely written. I like to think reality is kinder to them then our imagination (although it can also be harsher too) but exploring these emotions is touching and provoking. I like how you are able to create the feeling distictly and susinctly (if that is how it is spelt.)
Hi I did not forget, here is the picture of the Cheetah mask in this post and in the tumblr link in the achieve you'll find the picture of the other icon. I could not find in my computer files but it should be in that tumblr 8D. I hope that helps and I was not too late.
Take care, have a merry christmas and a great new year!
"It was only for a moment before sleep would suffocate him, before Jiyong woke up alone. " I especially loved this line. <3 Thank you for writing and I really look forward to more from you in future; please continue writing more! ^_^
Comments 10
I really liked your short fanfic. Please, write more!
Thank you.
It makes good fodder for angst though XD
Thanks for reading!
but this is nice ^^
Thank you so much for you comment ^^
Take care, have a merry christmas and a great new year!
Thats the post sorry ^^;
Thank you for commenting!
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