Jan 15, 2011 15:24

Character Information:

Full Name: Jin Kisaragi
Series: BlazBlue
Canon point: Fairly early in the game (BB:Continuum Shift); Jin escaped the hospital and had a talk with Jubei.
Age: Early 20s.
Species: Human.
Appearance/PB: Official Artwork.
Appearance upon arrival: The same as above, although he might look somewhat sickish/beaten up due to his battle wounds he’s recovering from.


Previous RP memories: N/A.
Bringing someone along?: N/A.
Character History: BlazBlue wiki arcticle.


Youngest major in history, division commander of the 4th Thaumaturgical Division and a living war hero. That’s quite a mouthful but it means nothing to Jin. Since he was adopted into the Katsuragi family, one of the twelve noble families of the Duodecim which more like a gathering of skilled but blood-unrelated merchanaries, he was only obeying orders. Jin gave up on himself, the world around him and let others pick his path of life. First was the head of the Katsuragi family who gave him orders to follow then the NOL. Actually he does not care about the will of the NOL nor does he share the same world view with them. However he does not go against NOL’s direct orders. This changes when he hears about the whereabouts of his brother, though.

In his childhood Jin was very attached to his brother Ragna. He had a good relationship with his sister too until she became sick. Ragna spent less and less time with Jin in order to look after her. Jin grew immensely jealous and one day he was manipulated into burning down their home under the influence of someone else, bringing both of his siblings to the brink of death. Now he’s still trying to kill his brother. However, Jin truly loves him! But he knows Ragna can turn into the Black Beast which brings destruction upon the world. It’s Jin’s duty to prevent this as the world’s antibody, furthermore he believes his brother would be happier rather dying then turning into a monster. This situation is tearing him apart but his sword Yukianesa amplifies the wish to kill his brother until the point of insanity which also carries out in his behaviour. In the true ending Jin manages to strengthen his will to overcome Yukianesa’s influence to get it under his control.

Jin can’t handle people well. They disgust him and he can’t understand good-natured people. While he can upkeep a professional behaviour at work, most of the time he’s simply a jerk. An arrogant jerk who looks down on most people. He will easily forget a face and/or name if they don’t have any bit of importance to him. The worst side of him shows when he has to deal with a certain direct subordinate of his. He absolutely hates her and treats her like trash because she has the face and voice of his sister. It reminds him of the past he tried to forget and still blames his sister for stealing away his brother from him.

Despite all that, even Jin has a soft side. It rarely shows because there are only very few who mean more than nothing to him on a positive scale. Of course he wouldn’t really admit it, but his actions show that he somewhat cares for them. He’s concerned about their well being and if it’s necessary he will to try to protect them.


Character Abilities: Jin is a high-class soldier and excels in swordsmanship. He’s the owner of the katana „Mucro Algesco: Yukianesa“, which has the ability to manipulate water in the atmosphere, thus giving Jin the control over ice. He’s able to freeze someone/ something and can create things out of ice, like blades to use in battle.

A full list of his moves from the game can be found in the Blazblue wiki.
Possessions: The clothes he's wearing and his ice sword.
Anything else: Nothing I can think of.

*app, !ooc

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