So sweet and beautiful!~~ A love that lasts for more than 60 years!~~ Wow~~~ So beautiful and deep meaning... Wow~~~~~~~ Seriously, it's just so beautiful~ The second part makes me think a little dirty though~ Hehe~ But they didn't come back? And they were stuck there forever? That's so beautiful~~~~~~~
haha thank you~ lol dirty? I never implied anything like that though ; v ; and lol no they weren't stuck there forever, they went back after that scene where ljoe plays the guitar, the last paragraph is more like a flash forward. ^^ Thanks for the read and comment~
Oh my...~ Why don't you have like tens and hundreds and thousands of comments? You would deserve it. But I bet people are just as speechless as I am now, so please excuse me that this comment probably won't make sense. ^^; You have an amazing writing style, it was easy to read and understand and imagine. I loved like every single word of it, it was touching and beautiful, you did a really great job. Thank you for sharing this perfect piece of work with us, I adore it. <3
Haha I doubt it, if anything I think people are just too lazy to comment. xD which is okay, I understand lol. and thank you, I see all the errors and I've been itching to fix them, though I can't really be bothered right now. Thanks for the read and comment! ^^
i'm a silent reader but this fic neeeeeeeds a comment. it deserves it. I'm not proud to be a silent reader and I gotta shake off this habit of me being silent. But this is not about me.
This is about your lovely fic and how it mkes me giddy and yeah. xD
My so so sweet L.Joe-ah and my cutie pie Chunji-ah. I LOVE LOVE you both so much. >.<
YOU!YOU! How could you do this? Seriously, this is effing wonderful! OH my gosh! I'm gonna stalk you in case you update any CHunjoe fics. (I don't get why some people make Chunji top.. I never did. I never will. Chunji is obviously the girl one evn though he tries to act manly and tough but we can see right through him! xD)(thanks for making Chunji the female one in the relationship! xD)
Sorry! I ranted. This is great and I read this thrice already. :))
haha it's okay, it's inevitable sometimes, I know how you feel :p
xD yeah, I prefer L.Joe to be the 'manlier' one, although with their recent images I don't know anymore. Chunji's always going to have that more...skirmish kind of attitude though haha idek
but omg three times orz this is so unbeta'd and hurried, though, but thank you! TT
Comments 10
But they didn't come back? And they were stuck there forever? That's so beautiful~~~~~~~
You have an amazing writing style, it was easy to read and understand and imagine. I loved like every single word of it, it was touching and beautiful, you did a really great job.
Thank you for sharing this perfect piece of work with us, I adore it. <3
This is about your lovely fic and how it mkes me giddy and yeah. xD
My so so sweet L.Joe-ah and my cutie pie Chunji-ah. I LOVE LOVE you both so much. >.<
YOU!YOU! How could you do this? Seriously, this is effing wonderful! OH my gosh! I'm gonna stalk you in case you update any CHunjoe fics. (I don't get why some people make Chunji top.. I never did. I never will. Chunji is obviously the girl one evn though he tries to act manly and tough but we can see right through him! xD)(thanks for making Chunji the female one in the relationship! xD)
Sorry! I ranted. This is great and I read this thrice already. :))
xD yeah, I prefer L.Joe to be the 'manlier' one, although with their recent images I don't know anymore. Chunji's always going to have that more...skirmish kind of attitude though haha idek
but omg three times orz this is so unbeta'd and hurried, though, but thank you! TT
This is just too cute. Like, jdbsgusbddinekg /sigh
Sorry for the incoherent comment but, yeah. ♪(´ε` )
/throws hearts and cookies to you <3 <3 <3
but thank you! haha i understand the whole incoherency thing when it comes to comments so it's perfectly fine~ ty for reading and commenting~ ; w;
/sobs and takes the hearts and cookies <3
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