Title: Society of Superheroes Series
Characters: Kris, Lay, Chanyeol, C.A.P, Tiffany, Taewoon, Jaehyo
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 10k
Warning: Language and violent themes.
Author Notes: This is a Superhero AU based fic series. Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged!
Initiation II )
Comments 7
)))))': again lay's fear of authority is like my most favorite thing ever is it ok if he's my favorite character because he might be. T __T sobs
BUT CHANYEOL oh my gOD his... idk. idk what to say about it. he's so childlike it's sort of perfect and i'm in love with the attachment he has to kris and how he's like a puppy and ugh uGHHHndskjdnffg it's perfect. just like, idk, without even trying it's like you imply that chanyeol has attachment issues and i love it soo muuuuch like he's stuck in this key stage of development as a child or something and blaRgh i love it. brotp 5ever thnx.
* __* sandeul and taewoon and jay kim easter eggies i am the happiest blaaljnaksnfsdnf. BUT JAEHYO TELEPATHICALLY FRYING CAP'S BRAIN LIKE AN EGG oh my g o d. i honestly didn't see that one coming man good job good job.
also i love the way you write battle scenes F _F
i just love all of this DON'T JUDGE ME GET OUT DA WAY
I hope I don't have that many battle scenes because those are a pain to write out. There's only so many times I can write punches and jumps before I go crazy.
chanyeol's so adorable can i like hold him and never let him go akjdbakj it's getting even more exciting
pleaseeee updateeeeeee soon, johhhnnnn*O*
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And yeah, I was sort of going for a JL feel for this place.
It'll be kinda like that plus a little of the X-Men?
We'll see how this goes~
i'm still awestruck kay just please update soooooon
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