September Simsperiments

Sep 23, 2008 22:41

Once again, it is time for the infamous pixel_trade Simsperiments.

Hi, I'm Pookah. You might remember me from other documentaries like June Simsperiments and What Colour is his Hair?

This month, I have the opportunity to be a part of a breeding experiment involving four goddesses. And when I say I was involved, I really was only invited to document. Being goddesses, they were quite capable of taking care of everything themselves. I just came along to observe and record.

That's them, simsforaranya , dragancaor , xel_squirgle_ox , and mjo5oh . Don't they look impatient with me already? On to business!

Indeed! No time is wasted. We shall not discuss how goddesses impregnate, but all three bore a child of mjo5oh . Here we see their midriffs all explode into pregnant bountifulness, together, in the bathroom, while they all push and shove for a turn at the toilet.

First up! Child of xel_squirgle_ox and mjo5oh . Meet Log Justice. Oooooh, how I want to pinch those cheeks!

Sorry about the hair in his eyes. I didn't change anything on any of the kids until they were adults.

OH HAI THAR, Log Justice!

Broody Emo Teen is broody and emo.

All grown up, Log Justice demands a makeover so the world can see his beautiful eyes.

Better? I just downloaded this hair last night.

Hello! Let me introduce Meat Notgay, the child of dragancaor and mjo5oh .

Gracious, she's darling! But look at those arms. For a girl with the name "Meat", she looks awfully skinny! More like "Needs Meat".

Still skinny teen is still skinny.

Meat Notgay grew up into appalling business wear, and is contemplating her new look with great consideration.

Puffy sleeves conceal her arms, leaving us to wonder--did Meat Notgay get some meat on her?

Time for child #3. I introduce Bang Walmart, daughter of simsforaranya and mjo5oh .

Bang! is! excited! to! grow! up!

Her face looks a little too large for her body, here.

And what an impressive nose! Like a puppy, she'll grow into it, I'm sure.

See? She grew into it already.

And as a grownup, is hardly distinguishable from her teen self.

Still moving right along, here are the family portraits, and the spogs themselves.

Log Justice
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 9
Active: 6
Playful: 9
Nice: 6
Likes fit chefs, dislikes formal wear
LTW: Marry off 6 children

Meat Notgay
Outgoing: 8
Active: 8
Serious:   2
Grouchy: 3
Likes hats and unemployment, dislikes creativity
LTW: Become head of the SCIA

Bang Walmart
Shy: 2
Active: 8
Outgoing: 10
Nice: 5
Likes underwear and creativity, dislikes stink
LTW:   become professional party guest

That's it, folks!   Tune in next time for something that's not this.

Notes and info:
  • I did remember to use the facelimitsblendy cheaty thing
  • All names come from the Sarah Palin baby name generator here.
  • Yes, I thought of using that name generator while reading dolly_riot's simsperiments. Because she fed the mothers' names into a name generator. And then I did.
  • I know not everyone out there in LJ land is American, (hell, I'm not), but I'm assuming many know who Sarah Palin is. If you don't, she's a recent nominee for vice-president in the coming U.S. circus election.
  • LJ is scaring me!      It just lost half my entry.  And then, when I started redoing, half way through the redo, it gave me my whole entry back.
  • I have Apartment Life, so I don't have SimPE, but I would like to upload these beauties when I can.
  • I moved the ladies into their house, impregnated them, and then saved and went off for dinner. When I returned, the first thing I noticed was the Reproductive Adjuster was missing. This seemed odd, for the ladies were obviously still pregnant, because dragancaor was barfing profusely, so I hadn't neglected to save. I went to replace it, and I saw that there were no cheat objects. Somehow, custom content had been disabled! I enabled it, quit, got back in, and all was well. I proceeded with the whole shenanigans, and didn't ever realize that whatever disabled my custom content also reset my photo settings. So when I opened things up to start showing the kids, I found all my pictures small, with mediocre quality. I went back and retook portraits, but I did not try to recreate their childhoods just to get bigger pictures.

ETA:   I've tried to fix the LJ Cut.  At this moment, half the stuff is escaping the LJ  Cut.   I don't know why. I  don't know how to fix it.   It looks right in edit mode.  But LJ  is behaving really weird for me tonight.  So I'm trying once more, not sure what will happen here.

ETA 2:      I  woke up realizing what I needed to do to fix the cut. Sorry to have messed up your flists, guys.

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