ok nic z tego nie kumam ale lubie wszystko co nie jest zwiazane z Loise i Clarkiem bo jakos nie kupuje ich jako pary w tym serialu, film to co innego ale zawsze widzialam Clarka z tą czarną.
Rly? Pomijając to, że ja ogólnie nie znoszę Clarka i nie życzę nikomu, aby z nim był oraz to, że Lollie to moje OTP to ja jednak szipuję Clois, mieli kilka genialnych scenek, szczerze mówiąc moja ulubiona scenka z tego całego serialu jest właśnie Cloisowa :P
Re: sorry to butt ingen717October 9 2008, 19:40:36 UTC
Hehe.. I wonder how many times he had to do that line without laughing his ass off. LOL Seriously it took me out of the moment, it was just so oddly written, poor guy!
Great picspam! I really enjoyed this episode and I thought Erica did really well with her emotional scenes. And Ollie was very hot! Apparently he had 24 minutes of screen time (someone on my flist calculates this) and 14 mins of those he was shirtless or partially so. :D
I agree, she did well. LMAO but yes, he had a lot of screen time and he should be in every week's ep and has that much time! And be shirtless for the most of it xD
You SOOO should, at least Ollie's episodes 'cos the whole story isn't worth watching :P But I enjoy SV with Oliver so much every time I'm watching it xD
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