Heroes, Facebook style (1x01 - Genesis)

May 10, 2009 16:16

Title: Heroes, Facebook style (1x01 - Genesis)
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: PG
Plot: Remember the pilot? That. Only, like the Facebook feed.
Language: English
Disclaimers: Everything belongs to Tim Kring and NBC, my soul included.

Peter is emo!dreaming of jumping off a building.

Peter joined the group "I Think I Can Fly".

Charles is dying.

Peter and Simone are now friends.

Mohinder is boring his students to death.

Chandra joined the network "DEAD!".

Mohinder added the application "My Father's Research".

Chandra shared a photo of a map with Mohinder.

HRG is in India being morally grey.

Niki is doing a strip-tease.

Niki was nicknamed "Bitch" by Ando.

Ando was nicknamed "Pervert" by Niki.

Niki joined the group "My Son Is A Genius".

Niki has serious problems.

Zach uploaded a new video of Claire.

Claire is seriously hurt.

Claire is no longer seriously hurt.

Claire became a honorary member of the group "I Attempted Suicide And Survived".

Peter invited Nathan to the group "I Think I Can Fly".

Nathan ignored Peter's invite to join the group "I Think I Can Fly".

Nathan wonders if he should get his brother detained.

Angela changed her status to "Under Arrest".

Claire is being emo.

Zach joined the group "Your Powers Are So Cool, You Should Tell Everybody".

Hiro added the application "Bend Time And Space".

Ando is skeptic.

Hiro added "Death Grip" to the list of things he really needs to learn.

Ando watched Niki's video.

Micah was banned from the group "Expensive Private School".

Niki has seen her reflection in the fish tank. Only it's not her. It's complicated. You wouldn't understand.

Peter sent a Hug to Angela using the "Super!Poke" application.

Nathan is really really angry.

Nathan joined the group "I'm Running For Congress And My Family Is In The Way".

Peter created the group "Nathan Petrelli Fanclub".

Micah changed his location to "Tina's House".

Claire wants to establish a new suicide attempts per day record.

Claire saved a man's life using the "Special Abilities" application.

Mohinder changed his location to "New York City".

Isaac is destroying his evil evil paintings.

Simone invited Isaac to join the group "Rehab".

Simone joined the group "I Really Don't Believe You Have Special Powers Even If You Show Me".

Nathan gave Peter a shoulder rub using the "Petrellis' Inappropriate Touching" application.

Nathan sent "Pity" to Peter using the "Big Brothers" application.

Peter ignored Nathan's "Pity".

Peter and Mohinder are now friends.

Niki wants to leave the group "I Sold My Ass To Mr. Linderman".

Niki changed her name to "Jessica".

Ando joined the group "I Really Don't Believe You Have Special Powers Even If You Show Me".

Hiro changed his location to "Women's Room".

Micah is worried.

Niki is confused and scared.

Simone wrote on Peter's wall:
"Need you. Meet me at my father's apartment? Thanks."

Mohinder added HRG to the Friends List "People I hope I'll never meet again".

Mr. Muggles is a superstar.

Lyle thinks his sister is retarded or something.

Hiro was banned from the network "Japanese Bar".

Ando because administrator of the group "I Really Don't Believe You Have Special Powers Even If You Show Me".

Hiro was nicknamed "Super Hiro" by Ando.

Simone is looking for morphine.

Claire has joined the group "I Lost My Right Hand For About A Minute, No Big Deal".

Sandra has joined the group "Parents Who Don't Have A Clue What's Going On In Their Kids' Lives".

HGR has changed his location to "Home".

Hiro time-traveled.

Hiro changed his location to "New York City".

Hiro uploaded the audio file "Yatta!".

Isaac changed his status to "Overdosing".

Isaac shared the painting "Peter flying" with Peter.

Isaac shared the painting "New York exploding" with Peter and Simone.

Simone is worried sick.

Nathan is annoyed (but still looking fabulous).

Peter has thrown a telephone at Nathan using the "Super!Poke" application.

Peter believes he can fly.

Nathan saved Peter's life using the "Special Abilities" application.

The audience is hooked already.

Tim Kring is evil!grinning.

Slash Communities are being opened.

fanfic:heroes facebook style, fandom:heroes, language:english

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