I'm taking a break from scribbling for a little while. Well, until later today anyway.
I'm allowed to, honestly. I've done quite a bit and I need a little light relief. And then I need to move around - I must not just sit and set. I am not a jelly. (Or am I?)
Sorry. It's been a long couple of days. Anyway, here's today's thoughts, observations
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Comments 5
Actually, the wood was stunning. To say it's so small now, there's a good variety of trees - lots of really tall silver birches, oak and beeches.
Every now and then, in spite of the day being bright and clear and crisp, even when there doesn't seem to be any breeze, the wind will catch the leaves still clinging to the topmost branches so that you get curious swirls of dipping, swaying trees - very Omen-like....
Just to prove Dark Forces were at work, when we got to a grove of beech trees (mostly grey columns, now, with a carpet of russet brightened by the low autumn sun) we found the head of - a teddy bear!!!!
We keep wondering what happened to the body. There was no sign of it.
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