Title: Impressive
txorakeriakTeam of Choice: FC Bayern München
Prompt: Score
Pairing: José Ernesto Sosa/Martín Demichelis
Rating: PG
Note: This is referring to Bayern's friendly against FT Gern today, during which Sosa scored his first three goals for Bayern, and quite marvellous ones. *is so proud* ♥
"Three goals, huh?" Martín pulled José into a hug, ruffling his sweat-damp hair. "Congratulations!"
The newbie beamed at him. "Thanks! I had a good day!"
Martín laughed. "That was quite obvious. Who were you trying to impress playing like that?"
José winked coquettishly. "Who do you think?" he returned, playfully slapping Martín's butt. Then, he quickly squirmed out of the embrace, rushed to his locker and started pulling his kit off.
As he headed for the showers, he caught Martín staring at him in a mix of confusion, denial and surprise.
He flashed him a grin. "Seems it worked, too."