Title: Trapped Author: great_whatsit Team of choice: OGC Nice Prompt: Please Character: Pippo Inzaghi Rating: G Disclaimer: Lies. Note: Bobo has been living with his mum since he joined Fiorentina last summer.
*hugs* Thank you, Conny! I was quite worried they wouldn't make sense to anyone who had actually slept, so I'm very happy you like them. (I'm freaked out by the first one, a lot. Bobo was supposed to be in, it for god's sake, I have no idea how Pippo took over.) And the third one and feeling for Sandro ... Possibly, yes. This is what happens, apparently, with the no sleeping.
Neko! Thank you! I'll have you know that you're one of the reasons A/Z lodged themselves in my head in the first place, so you liking the late one makes me very happy indeed. (Also, I hope one day you can write them again without being punished by horrific dreams. I've got my fingers crossed. And my toes.)
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(Heee. Standing right inside the door (wearing something hideous), holding his keys carefully so as not to make any noise.)
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