Title: Subbed Out
niloo88Team of choice: Juventus
Prompt: Beginnings
Pairing: Hernán Crespo/ Javier Zanetti
Rating: PG
Hernán Crespo sulked as he walked through the tunnel to the locker room.
“It’s not fair! Why should Coach begin his substitutions with me? I was only offside once!”
Captain Zanetti caught up to him. “Why so glum, Hernán? Let me guess, your car didn’t start, and you lost your cell phone?”
“No,” Crespo gave him a weird look.
“Just me, then,” Zanetti muttered. “Anyway,” he said, snapping out of it, “I know something that’ll cheer you up. I know I need something.” He loosened his Captains’ armband, slid it down his arm and threw it to Hernán.
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