The Author's Notes

May 25, 2014 19:23

Genre: Hurt/Angst/Comfort
Pairing: Gen.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4,860
Warnings: Suicide and thoughts of suicide, violence, blood, angst, serious subject matters like depression.
Prompt: The End spoilers. End!verse. "Five months since he got Sam back, he sets an alarm to wake up in the early morning hours."

Author's Notes: This is a sequel to my ( Read more... )

genre: hurt/comfort, warning: dark subject matter, warning: suicidal themes, episode: the end, character: sam winchester, warning: suicide, character: dean winchester, character: castiel, warning: angst

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Comments 10

freya922 July 22 2014, 09:33:44 UTC
This was amazing. Sam is heartbreaking and ditto Dean. :(. I haven't read End 'verse before but will now!


foolscapper July 23 2014, 07:06:14 UTC
I'm glad you're interested in endverse! I personally love any that manage to incorporate Sam!

And thank you for enjoying. :)


madebyme_x July 22 2014, 11:34:11 UTC
What a wonderful addition to the original fic!

I love how you balanced the depression and desperation with small but meaningful moments of joy. It was great to see the boys growing close again, carving a new future together.

And the ending was perfect. The humour and laughter all juxtaposed with how their lives used to be, and this new life is an improvement.

Thanks for sharing. Take care, :)


foolscapper July 23 2014, 07:13:27 UTC
Thank you! I didn't want it to be COMPLETELY miserable. Most horrible situations in someone's life isn't miserable 24/7, and all. Especially for people like Sam, dealing with even severe depression. I'm glad it all balanced out!


borgmama1of5 July 23 2014, 00:45:50 UTC
You really brought out such a mix of emotions...and the ending is just perfect!


foolscapper July 23 2014, 07:13:59 UTC
Thank you! :)


mdlaw July 23 2014, 00:49:49 UTC
So heartbreaking and so hopeful m :)


foolscapper July 23 2014, 07:14:23 UTC
♥ I appreciate the words.


mdlaw April 7 2015, 02:16:45 UTC
I could read in this 'verse for a long long time. m. :)


foolscapper April 7 2015, 04:21:47 UTC
There'll definitely be more additions to it, so no worries there! ♥

Thanks for the comment.


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