Into the Night

May 23, 2014 00:14

Genre: Mild angst/family/humor.
Pairing: Gen.
Rating: Pretty PG.
Word Count: Drabble; 500 words.
Warnings: Some depressing doom and gloom, but mostly just happy Disney stuff.
Prompt: For Sam's birthday commentfic. Sam and Dean finally go to Disneyland.

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genre: humor, character: dean winchester, warning: angst, genre: family, character: sam winchester, warning: character death

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Comments 12

borgmama1of5 May 23 2014, 07:35:46 UTC
Awwww...and then NO! and yet...still sweet. Bittersweet.


foolscapper May 24 2014, 17:26:53 UTC
At least they're ghosts together? :')


madebyme_x May 23 2014, 10:06:56 UTC
Still packs a punch on a second read. Such an effective and unexpected twist at the end. Beautifully done.


foolscapper May 24 2014, 17:27:06 UTC
Thank you <3


ex1led_nyer May 23 2014, 14:32:50 UTC
Wow, I didn't see that coming. I guess I thought they were just being extra-stealthy. You really packed a lot of feels into a few words. Bravo!


foolscapper May 24 2014, 17:27:31 UTC
Oh, stop, you'll make me blush! Thank you.


freya922 May 23 2014, 17:03:10 UTC
OMG, you so got me. What a completely unexpected and punch-to-the-gut ending!


foolscapper May 24 2014, 17:27:54 UTC
I'm glad I got ya! One of the charms of surprise ghost fics, haha.


cappy712 May 24 2014, 03:56:42 UTC
I know it's been said but that was just a total shock and I had to read it a second time to realize what you did there and that was good. So sad but happy in a way too, thank you for sharing.


foolscapper May 24 2014, 17:28:58 UTC
No problem, glad I could share! It was fun to write. ;)


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