The Epilogue in a Very Long Biography

May 22, 2014 22:11

Genre: Hurt/Angst/Comfort
Pairing: Gen.
Rating: Teen+
Word Count: ~2,000
Warnings: Violence, death. Sorta.
Prompt: The End spoilers. End!verse. "There is a tall man in the camp today."

Author's Notes: Not particularly beta'd, not particularly happy with this. I don't know. I had it then I lost it. But here's my sad attempt anyway!

She takes a snapshot. She doesn't much like it, though, because he looks like he's trying for her sake. The sun isn't just right. )

warning: violence, warning: disturbing imagery, character: dean winchester, episode: the end, character: castiel, character: sam winchester

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Comments 20

quickreaver May 23 2014, 07:17:28 UTC
Dang. This was gorgeous and sad, part folk tale, part dystopia. Loved it all!


foolscapper May 24 2014, 17:18:58 UTC
Thank you! Even though I was kinda 'meh' on it, I did enjoy writing it. ///


borgmama1of5 May 23 2014, 07:22:10 UTC
Wow.Nnever thought and End!verse story could have a happy ending! Thank you


foolscapper May 24 2014, 17:19:37 UTC
I always think SPN should have a happy ending. Shows with nothing but pain and then a COMPLETELY horrible ending is just no fun to me.


madebyme_x May 23 2014, 10:42:31 UTC
This was bittersweet and had such a beautiful melancholic tone to it. I adored every word.

I loved the photo wall and how Sam made a real connection with Raelyn. And the ending was just perfect.

Thank you so much for sharing! (I hope you don't mind if I friend you?) Take care, :)


foolscapper May 24 2014, 17:20:33 UTC
Thanks! I enjoyed writing for Raelyn, to be sure.

And friending is totally okay :)


askellington May 23 2014, 11:54:41 UTC
That was a perfect ending to the Endverse. Beautiful outsider POV in the beginning. It's always fascinating to see them through the eyes of strangers. And it's kind of horrifying to imagine how many times Sam was lynched like that and walked away from it.

I'm very glad you posted this.


foolscapper May 24 2014, 17:21:49 UTC
It wasn't pretty to be sure. It probably got better for him as the years went by, but it's hard to say. :(

At least now he's got Cas and Dean to stand up for him.

Thanks for the comment!


mdlaw May 24 2014, 01:08:49 UTC
Oh my gosh! SOB! m


foolscapper May 24 2014, 17:22:05 UTC
[hands a tissue]

There there!


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