masterpost: born again.

May 04, 2014 03:19

Born Again Verse.

“For the first forty days a child
is given dreams of previous lives.
Journeys, winding paths,
a hundred small lessons
and then the past is erased.”

-  Michael Ondaatje, Handwriting

Authors Note: This'll be the first real chapter story I've done for SPN, and I'm a little nervous! But I got the idea in my head and it wouldn't suffice as a short story, so I'm gonna give it my best. I'll be setting up a Masterlist for the Born Again Verse when chapter one is completed; it has a rough outline already, so it probably won't take too long. Dean and Castiel will be major POVs for a while, though I may bring in other characters or outside POV. The images linked in this aren't my own. If you may know the picture-takers, let me know! These are mostly just there for ambiance, no copyright infringing or sale of someone else's material intended.
Let me know if you like! I'd love to gauge if this is a storyline people would enjoy.

Warnings: Sad stuff from the Cage, pain, misery, mild gore and dark themes, the usual. There may be other warnings for later chapters, and I'll warn for them on each update should they crop up. There's a lot of Sam whump as well! Aaaaand some unpleasant mental/emotional pain for a child in the story, so if little kids hurting (especially mentally or emotionally) makes you uncomfortable, might wanna skip out on this 'verse. There may be graphic descriptions of The Cage or Hell, but I will try to update this to list all the warnings in one spot.

Table of Contents:

0. Prelude: Perdition/Salvation
1. Ramble On
2. Liquid Gold
3. [to be added]

genre: hurt/comfort, warning: disturbing imagery, warning: dark subject matter, masterlist, born again verse, warning: angst, genre: family

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