Who: Percy Weasley
Where: A stack of parchment bound together by magic and twine.
When: 4 Aug 2001
Status: Complete
Today, I decided to spend the day reading the newspapers that have piled up while I've been working. The tedious tasks I've been assigned take up all my time and energy and leave me woefully out of contact with the rest of the world. I have no idea what kinds of things the Ministry's putting out into the world, it seems. That makes me uneasy. I think that this is being done on purpose - as though they're making me even more useless than I already am so they have an excuse to kill me.
Though, I digress, the point was not to blather on about my uselessness. I finally think there's something I can do about it. But, I have to stop attempting to become useful - though not to these people who will never accept me.
As I flipped through a multitude of back issues of the Prophet I saw her name, it leapt out at me: Penelope Clearwater. She's been arrested. I'd be lying if my heart didn't give a joyful leap for an instant. Not because she's been arrested - because that's terrible; but because there is something I can do for her, for the rest of them. At least if I do small things like this - seemingly insignificant things that could change everything when lined up in the grand course of events - they might take me back one day. Family can't stay mad at you forever. They simply can't.
I am stunned that I didn't hear a whisper about this at work. Though, it's hard to talk to anyone cooped up in stacks of dusty old books. Though, I think I pleased my superiors this week. My reports were on time, completely accurate, and I received praise. So maybe the isolation isn't a means to making me useless; maybe it's the opposite. I don't know.
There has to be something I can do for Penelope though.