This is just a friendly reminder that entries for Challenge 142 are due by Friday at Midnight, EST. So far there are 8 fabulous fondue entries so more are definitely needed before the deadline :)
This is your mid-challenge reminder for challenge 139. So far there are four sets entered but I really need more before the midnight EST deadline on Friday.
This is just a friendly reminder that entries for Challenge 138 are due by Midnight on Friday, E.S.T. So far there are 4 delicious entries in and more would always be welcomed before the deadline.
This is your final reminder for round 3 of the 20in20. So far there are five sets completed but you still have until midnight in your timezone tonight.
This is your five day reminder for round 3 of the 20in20. So far there are four sets completed but you still have until midnight in your timezone on November 30th to do so.
This is just a friendly reminder that entries for Challenge 136 are due by Friday at Midnight, EST. So far there are 12 fantastic entries and more would always be welcomed before the deadline.
---------------- Now playing: Billy Idol - Cradle Of Love
This is your final reminder for round 3 of the 20in20. So far only two sets have been completed but you still have until midnight in your timezone tonight to do so.
This is just a friendly reminder that entries for Challenge 136 are due by Friday at Midnight, EST. So far there are 8 fantastic entries and more would always be welcomed before the deadline