small red beans (dry) bring to a boil, let cool, bring to a boil, let cool. (i did it over the course of a day) till tender. the bag said "boil 2-3 hours" but that seemed absurd. there's some vegetable stock (about 1 cup) some "mock duck", a can of crushed tomatoes, lots of crushed garlic, two diced onions, along like that. then, since the "meat" isn't really meat it doesn't really have to be cooked, only heated so the actual cooking time once you have all the ingredients together is about 10 minutes. you can put it in a bread bowl, sprinkle with cheese and pop it in the oven for 5 minutes. wonderful winder comfort food.
photographed in natural light with a 100mm f 2.8 macro at f 5.6 for a bit of DOF.