Aug 02, 2008 17:21
So I've got a character, nine years old, who's recently been exposed to the high-class world. His father is rich but doesn't live like it, and that's caused some anger.
Basically, this kid is going to try to make something classy for lunch out of what his father has in the kitchen. But the problem is that I have no idea what's in a "typical" kitchen (my family has some odd tastes), nor what a nine-year-old would be capable of that's simple (since he has no cooking experience).
I suppose most of that is character/story specific, but an outline of what a "typical" kitchen has in it would be awesome. For reference, in an earlier chapter it was mentioned that the family had had hot dogs and grilled cheese sandwiches for two nights, if that helps any.
The area is *based* on Japan, but isn't quite (the canon has influences from all over the world, but the basic land mass is supposed to be Japan-ish). Also it's the beginning of November, and the town is a medium-sized one on the ocean, about a two-hour drive from a major city.
and dammit, I need my "my fandom looks delicious" icon back, even though it was a different series
help needed