#1 is Helvetica Light (or Neue Helvetica ), not Arial (shape of "a" and horizontal terminal of "e"). Also I don't think Arial is available in a light weight like that.
#4 is the same Helvetica Light tracked super tight. The larger text is almost certainly Neue Helvetica (looks like 75 Bold to me), which would suggest that the rest of it is also Neue Helvetica rather than Helvetica.
Comments 7
5. could be impact with 3d effect
(Dumbass is in Action Jackson if anyone is curious)
#4 is the same Helvetica Light tracked super tight. The larger text is almost certainly Neue Helvetica (looks like 75 Bold to me), which would suggest that the rest of it is also Neue Helvetica rather than Helvetica.
3. Arial Rounded MT Bold (Madonna) and
6. Cairo!
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