Title: X
Characters: Gaara, Sakura
Pairing: GaaSaku
Rating: M
Summary: Ten different genre's for GaaSaku, of many many flavors.
Notes: Lololol, some of these are ridiculiously long. Also, damn. Porn.
Over the hills and far away, for ten long years he'll count the days )
Comments 2
Loved the AU one! It had me teetering on the edge...kekeke. The crack one had me smiling like mad.
I adored First Time; loved the mingling of madness and pleasure you pulled into that one. Also: LONG LIVE THE PORN!! *waves her porn flag* So kudos for Smut as well... it was deliciously naughty. Kekeke.
Kazekage babysitting kittens is made of all kinds of WIN!!! I admit it: I squealed. X333
rising over each other for kill after kill. <--- Loved that LAST line!
And the first time... guh I've been rp-ing like crazy lately, and its most fun when he's half psycho and all kinds of Shukaku-y. So I tried to give him bits of that. Hurr. MOAR PORN FOR EVERYONE.
But kukukuku, I am so glad you enjoyed all of them <3
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