Curiosity kill the cat

Apr 01, 2011 12:32

Title: Curiosity kills the cat
Pairing: Heechul/Ryeowook
Words: 1849
Rating: PG
Summary: Heechul is too curious for his own good and Ryeowook is just being really sweet.
Disclaimer: Do not own SuJu
A/N: for 100 Suju Fanfic - prompt: 002. Christmas - Archive here. It was supposed to be a christmas story and it turned out a bit ‘ughh’, but well here goes ( Read more... )

ryeowook, heechul, #100 suju challenge

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Comments 7

ryeowook4ever April 2 2011, 21:18:12 UTC
spot :)


ryeowook4ever April 2 2011, 21:23:02 UTC
aww its cute :D
i love the christmas theme to it and kid!ryeowook. :D

so wookie is going to get his wish after all ^^


followurdestiny April 2 2011, 21:27:36 UTC
Yes, he gets his wish!
Wishes coming true are one of the greatest things ^-^
Thank you for reading and commenting! <33


rrongrrong April 3 2011, 07:20:25 UTC
awww poor wookie, no worry, heechul's gonna scare them off later on at school ^_^


followurdestiny April 3 2011, 18:52:08 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting!


hennu15 April 3 2011, 10:07:18 UTC
Omg so cute D: Awe, poor Wook, but he has his hyung :D


followurdestiny April 3 2011, 18:52:34 UTC
Yup, he does :)
Thank you for commenting and reading!


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