mylodonTITLE: What exactly did you mean by debauched?
SIN: Sloth
WARNINGS: None Takes place in some form of LKU universe.
DISCLAIMER: None of these are mine, not even the sloth
SUMMARY: Archie should keep his trap shut. This is in honour of the wonderful sloth who passed over my head and within touching distance (I resisted) at Central Park Zoo.
“Ah, sloths. Lovely creatures.” Dr. Maturin smiled in fond remembrance of animals known and loved.
“Slow but magnificent,” Archie agreed, sipping his ale with appreciation. Nice to find such agreeable company at the Keppel’s Head. A fellow sailor, or so the man called himself; clearly one of intellect and admiration for the finer things in life.
“Ah, but easily led astray. We had one on Surprise and Captain Aubrey debauched it, the tyrant.”
“Happens all the time.” Archie shook his head in acknowledgement of commanders and their foibles. “Captain Hornblower’s as bad.” He leaned forward, conspiratorially. “What did your Aubrey do, exactly?”
“Fed the sweet thing rum, until it became addicted. Nothing I could do to repair the damage.” Maturin shook his head. “How about your Hornblower? The same?”
“Ah.” Archie turned white and slammed down his glass. “Um. Is that a gun I hear? Must be getting back to the ship….”