Title: Himself Pairing: Bush/Hornblower Rating: NC/17 Summary: William, is a good lieutenant but deep inside is a traitor, he broke one of their rules. Disclaimers: They are not mine nor I'm making money writing about them.
You are so well named you know - because there is such style in your tales here
I have waxed lyrical about your imagery before - but in this one the moves between the hot sex and the beautiful observations on the sights and sounds elsewhere are amazing - and a style not everyone could carry off - but you do !
Thank you for commenting it and thank you for your icon, I love Bush and your icon is so hot! I have all these images, sounds, perfumes, distant echoes that I want to write down but then I always ask to myself will people understand what I want to say what I want to mean and so I try to restrain myself but often it's impossible it's like a stream of thoughts and image, it's a rush of emotions and feelings and it's like I'm Bush and Horatio is my thought and I must only carry on and do what he asks. It's my duty.
Comments 8
Old men covered in velvet and gold, dust and powder.
Me and my ups and downs. I know. Me and my silence. I know.
That's perfect, so very, very Hornblower.
It's the image that I have of very old admirals.
Not for sure of Pellew :)
Thanks for appreciating it!
I have waxed lyrical about your imagery before - but in this one the moves between the hot sex and the beautiful observations on the sights and sounds elsewhere are amazing - and a style not everyone could carry off - but you do !
one of the best yet in your set of these
I have all these images, sounds, perfumes, distant echoes that I want to write down but then I always ask to myself will people understand what I want to say what I want to mean and so I try to restrain myself but often it's impossible it's like a stream of thoughts and image, it's a rush of emotions and feelings and it's like I'm Bush and Horatio is my thought and I must only carry on and do what he asks.
It's my duty.
and every fangirl should do her duty - of course !
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