Here's something really special....this is an illustration of Horatio Hornblower by Andrew Wyeth which the wonderful
eglantine_br sent me as a gift for Archie's birthday. It's a gorgeous picture, and what's really special is that I have never seen it before! Wyeth illustrated the Little, Brown and Company US editions of Forester's Hornblower novels, and although the illustrations are often credited to N.C. Wyeth, most were actually drawn by his son Andrew under his father's supervision. I've seen lots of Wyeth's covers and several of his frontispieces online, but I have never seen this one.
The caption on the back of the picture, which appears to have been used in a newspaper or magazine to illustrate a story on C.S Forester, reads as follows:
Andrew Wyeth's drawing of Horatio Hornblower, a doughty British sea warrior of the early sailing days, for C.S. Forester's Mr Midshipman Hornblower, published by Little, Brown & Co. The hero of eight novels and a score of magazine stories, Hornblower has become to millions of Americans the epitome of British resolve and daring on the sea.
Thank you soo much for this wonderful gift dear
eglantine_br, it's a pleasure to be able to share it :)
There's a picture of the caption on the reverse of the picture below the cut if you're interested