ϡ - Chapter Twenty; those who have gone missing [action/voice]

Feb 12, 2011 14:53

[ There's a clear strained sigh coming from the opposite end of the transmission. A few moments later some shuffling as someone moves about in the background. ] Frederic's been...taken. He, um, has been for awhile. I-I wasn't supposed to make anyone worry, I'm terribly sorry for not saying so sooner. [ There's a clear tone of guilt in his voice. It ( Read more... )

action, somber headmaster is somber, sad times, voice

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Comments 103

[Voice] semper_cogitans February 12 2011, 21:41:08 UTC

... Mr. Chopin?]

Helios, do you perhaps mean Frederic Chopin? I... heard he was here, from Doctor Faye-Ling. [That doesn't explain why Helios knew about it, but that information isn't currently relevant so Robert doesn't ask.]

And you say he's been taken? ... Presumably for experimentation? [Robert's tone is obviously disturbed. It takes him a moment to think of anything more to say - but his next sentence is a little... quiet, and slightly gentle.]

Is there... anything I may do to assist?


[Voice] folkloristic February 12 2011, 22:37:47 UTC
Yes you're correct on both accounts. [ Sigh. ]

Ah-- [ He notes the tone and is pretty grateful for it. ] --that's kinda of you to offer. If you'd like to stop by you're more than welcome to. Perhaps we can talk a bit more about your world? [ There is a lot they've yet to discuss about it. ]


Re: [Voice] semper_cogitans February 13 2011, 01:04:31 UTC
I would much like that, Helios. [In reality, it isn't just wanting to share Terran information - it's also that Robert doesn't want Helios to be sad. He doesn't know if he can really help Helios feel better - but he wants to at least attempt.]

Whereabouts is your home located?


[Voice] folkloristic February 13 2011, 01:46:37 UTC
Community housing seven floor five room twenty-two. I'll make some tea if you wouldn't be opposed that?


[VOICE] polishrule February 12 2011, 23:03:56 UTC
[Shocked silence. He needs to calm down before he says anything or does anything. But this has him terrified.]

How long has he been gone...?

And um, yeah. You can come over.


[VOICE] folkloristic February 12 2011, 23:27:36 UTC
[ He's sorry Poland, he hates having to say these things, but it had to be done. ]

Since last Saturday. I'll be there in a few minutes then.

[ And with that he will be making his way to the other's apartment. At least they're close, you'll have someone knocking on your door Poland a few minutes later. ]


[VOICE] polishrule February 12 2011, 23:34:04 UTC
[That long? How could he have not been told and--now he's just kind of mad that he didn't know because he'd been avoiding him and so much frustration.

But he does answer the door with a calm face. He's clearly not himself, but he doesn't look nearly as upset as he feels. He opens the door and lets him in.]

Hey. Um, like, do you know what the letter is about...?


[ACTION] folkloristic February 12 2011, 23:53:32 UTC
[ Helios will step inside unaware of the other's frustration or anger. He doesn't know Poland too well yet, but at least...he might be able to give him some comfort with this letter. He'll shake his head holding the letter out to the other to take. ]

I-I didn't read it. It didn't seem right to.


[Voice] lezareno_prez February 13 2011, 05:24:01 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like me to stop by after work this evening? I would hate to let these leftover muffins go to waste, and there are far too many of them for Gelda and myself to eat on our own.


[Voice] folkloristic February 13 2011, 07:11:48 UTC
I'm sure he'll be back soon, he'd appreciate the sentiments. [ A pause and then a small hum. ]

It has been awhile hasn't it? I wouldn't mind that at all! I'll make us some tea as well.


(The comment has been removed)

audio; folkloristic February 13 2011, 21:42:28 UTC
[ Oh! This is a voice he wasn't expecting. ]

Frederic Chopin.


[Voice] wise_maiden February 15 2011, 03:38:12 UTC
It's all right. Sometimes worry can't be helped... and that situation is something that people should be aware of, isn't it?


[Voice] folkloristic February 16 2011, 00:46:47 UTC
Yes you're absolutely right. I just...went against his wishes. But it had to be done.


[Voice] wise_maiden February 16 2011, 01:43:01 UTC
Sometimes there are acceptable circumstances for that. Hiding it won't make it any easier for him or anyone else. Was it for... all this time that you've been teaching, then?


[Voice] folkloristic February 16 2011, 03:03:25 UTC
[ He might wince a little on his end and there's a substantial pause before he answers. ] I-I'm afraid so. I...should have said, I apologize for that. Saying he was taken ill was bad enough--but I don't think he wanted anyone to worry.


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