ϡ - Chapter One; we all fall...in [voice]

Jan 09, 2010 15:51

[ There’s a very loud thud as something crashes to the ground from the sky. The journal turns on from the subsequent actions of the fallen object nearby. Most likely a body, actually it is, and a cough erupts through the preceding silence. So if you're out wandering about in the woods to the left of the village you'll find a blonde haired man ( Read more... )

introductions, ic, omg wings without redbull usage, he's somewhat confused, hello luceti, curious, babbling, voice

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Comments 123

[voice] gardenerofgaia January 9 2010, 23:14:47 UTC
[Well that is a much different reaction from the norm.]

...Hello! I'm here! Look for a journal.


[voice] folkloristic January 10 2010, 06:35:47 UTC
...what? Oh...a journal. [ Pause and some shuffling he's looking for it~ There's the crunch of snow as he gets closer and then finally manages to find it. ]

OH! I found it! I didn't even notice it was here, haha! A talking book! How exciting. Magic maybe? Erm, hello?


Re: [voice] gardenerofgaia January 10 2010, 14:58:25 UTC
It is magic, but it only says what people say into it--it's not like it can think for itself. [Since she's known some people to come to that conclusion. There is a friendly finger-wave through the little window.]


[voice] folkloristic January 10 2010, 16:41:00 UTC
Ah! I was thinking that! So it's like one of those...cell phone things only it looks like a book! What a very interesting piece of technology. [ And he taps one finger to pursed lips as he looks over the contraption once more. Oh then he notices that wave and smiles back giving a small wave of his own. ]

You, er, wouldn't happen to know if there's a town or something nearby?


[voice] blue_velocity January 9 2010, 23:15:38 UTC
Heh, hearin' you loud and clear. Nice to see you're in a good mood! Most of us freak out after gettin' here.


[voice] folkloristic January 10 2010, 06:37:13 UTC
Another one from this book...interesting. Oh but why would you ever?! This place is fascinating so far. It's such a nice view too, although I'm not so sure about the inhabitants yet, haha. But we'll see in due time!


[voice] blue_velocity January 10 2010, 11:57:22 UTC
The whole idea about bein' kidnapped and brought here as a science experiment isn't everyone's idea of a good time, heh! Here, I'll show you some stuff you can read up on then!

[A quick written section here for the Guide and another entry here.]

Hope that helped! Are you out in the forest somewhere?


[voice] folkloristic January 10 2010, 16:49:06 UTC
[ He's still going over it so there's a small silence. ]

Amazing. Thank you for that. That's a lot of detail! New Feather...hm. This place...though I don't know how I feel about kidnapping residents and preforming experiments on them. That's certainly not the right way to introduce yourself on good terms, haha.

Hm? Ah! Oh yes I am actually. I'm not sure where though, exactly. [ He begins walking the sound of snow crunching all too apparent. ]


[voice] neverplaysfair January 10 2010, 00:16:04 UTC
Someone sounds happy.


[voice] folkloristic January 10 2010, 06:40:27 UTC
Aha ah well happiness is a bit better than being sad! It puts the spirits in a lighter mood, don't you think? Besides I don't usually get the chance to have wings. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity I'd imagine.


[voice] neverplaysfair January 10 2010, 15:00:44 UTC
They're not quite as wonderful as advertized. You still can't fly, unless of course you could fly already.


[voice] folkloristic January 10 2010, 16:52:12 UTC
Oh no, nothing as fancy as that. I was so looking forward to it. Can you at least hover, maybe even a little teeny bit? [ There's a slight pout on his face. He sounds a bit sad about that too. He was looking forward to an aerial view, you know? ]


[voice] sniperking_ftw January 10 2010, 01:15:34 UTC

You talk too much.


[voice] folkloristic January 10 2010, 06:43:04 UTC
Oh! W-well terribly sorry. You see I don't normally babble, well only when I get excited, but ahaha I didn't know others were listening! There's no one around and this device is quite strange, really.


[voice] sniperking_ftw January 10 2010, 06:46:46 UTC
It is. You'll get used to it.


[voice] folkloristic January 10 2010, 06:56:18 UTC
Well I do hope so! If it's a means of communications and all. It'd be a bit of problem...er, oh where are my manners! I'm Helios Sprensonne! A pleasure to meet you.


epicenity January 10 2010, 20:07:22 UTC
If there isn't a hole, then just rip one.


folkloristic January 11 2010, 03:34:21 UTC
Oh-! Well there is that too I suppose, haha!


epicenity January 11 2010, 04:13:35 UTC
Mmhmm. The easiest solutions are the best.

But the wings really are cool.


folkloristic January 11 2010, 04:30:29 UTC
Most of the time! Too bad people always try to make things more complicated, haha.

Yes! They certainly are! I've never seen anything quite like this before.


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