FanFic: 21 shots

Aug 19, 2012 20:32

Title: 21 shots
Characters-Pairings: Clint, Natasha, Phil and other characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Also mentions of Marvel Comic Verse characters - Clint/Natasha
Rating: PG-13
Summary: They track their history in shots.
Words: about 10650
Authors Note: This is completely un-beta’d so all mistakes (humongous and/or minor) just ( Read more... )

marvel, fics

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Comments 16

jacedesbff August 19 2012, 21:32:55 UTC
DAMN, girl!


folie_lex August 19 2012, 22:06:05 UTC
Thanks :D ... I think.... :-/


jacedesbff August 20 2012, 02:06:45 UTC
Oh, trust me, it's good. :D Because, seriously??? AWESOME!!!!!


folie_lex August 20 2012, 02:57:26 UTC
Okay then just plain: Thanks :D

Glad you liked it :)


sweetwatersong August 20 2012, 01:05:27 UTC
Oh my goodness, there are so many things that I love about this. The different definitions of 'shots', his gift to her, how Clint makes Phil's funeral impersonal by not going (which I totally didn't expect)...

I really, really like how they're not bffs once he brings her into SHIELD. For some reason I had it in my head that they had to get along well after he spared her, but that never quite jived with me. This accounting, on the other hand? This fits perfectly into my headcanon.

Another thing I love is the lack of overt UST/romance. It wasn't until I finished reading that I realized we never saw more than just friendship on display, that bond they have that doesn't have to have sex in it... and I truly love that.

The guns he gets her, that he wants to teach her how to use his bow, that he wants to give her the life she deserves... Geez, I love everything about this.

Thank you so much for filling this. <3


folie_lex August 20 2012, 01:42:38 UTC
~ Thank you so much for filling this. <3 ~
So happy to hear you enjoyed it and mostly Thank you for prompting this. As I said, it kinda triggered something in me: I read "21 shots" and all these snapshots just flooded my mind.

~ I really, really like how they're not bffs once he brings her into SHIELD. For some reason I had it in my head that they had to get along well after he spared her, but that never quite jived with me ~
I honestly believe it was a very slow transition for them to get to where they are now. Simply because, even if he did help her out, Natasha just isn't the trusting type. I'm 100% sure she gave him hell when he first brought her in.
Now all I need is a "Team Delta:Black Widow/Hawkeye" origins movie to prove me right ;P

~ I love the lack of overt UST/romance. (...) that bond they have that doesn't have to have sex in it... and I truly love that.*nods* Mostly I was trying to keep up with the vibe from the movie, and that is exactly the feeling I got from it (and I'm so glad to see it translated to you that way ( ... )


astridv August 22 2012, 18:27:26 UTC
That was really good, I enjoyed it a lot! "It's not about what you need, it's aboutwhat you deserve." Yes!

And I like the gradual development of their friendship... the scene at the range where she rejects his early attempts at friendship is great.

Oh, I like Bobbie as the ex and colleague in this, too. Haven't read any comics with her yet, but I'm gonna check out one.


folie_lex August 22 2012, 23:13:57 UTC
Thanks so much!! Happy you liked!! :D


telaryn August 23 2012, 00:24:21 UTC
This. This is grounded and real and everything their story deserves in the telling.

I've spent a good chunk of my evening reading this, and I'm blown away by what you've accomplished here. You've reset the bar for everything that happens in fic with this pairing from this point forward.

Well done!


folie_lex August 23 2012, 00:53:45 UTC
Whoa! That is incredibly high praise, which I'm fairly certain I don't deserve, but thank you so very much!!!

I'm just happy you liked it :)


rose_griffes September 14 2012, 00:55:34 UTC
Oh, I didn't comment here? Bad reader, bad.

This was compelling; I enjoyed figuring out the various shots, and seeing how they all affected Natasha.


folie_lex September 14 2012, 06:25:44 UTC
Aw! Not bad at all!! Thanks for reading and commenting and glad to hear you enjoyed it!


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