Dear readers,
For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Femslash 4 Fans is an Internet radio show on which features interviews with various talented fanfic authors from popular and rare fandoms. The show has been on the air for almost six months and has featured over thirty different authors, not to mention over thirty very entertaining guests (including a few of you reading this now).
This Thursday, November 5th, at 10 PM EST, F4F will turn its attention to the following: Take the Good - "Facts of Life" and Jo/Blair with Del Robertson and
random_flores If you're like me, you probably didn't detect a whole lot of subtext when watching the sitcom "The Facts of Life", because it was only the early 1980s, homosexuality wasn't exactly acceptable subject matter for a show about teenage girls, and, well, you were seven years old. Even if you were seven, though, you were probably still like every guy on that show - you found Blair Warner irresistible. As you grew older, however, you discovered that some women found her irresistible as well. And the idea of a Blair/Jo Polniaczek romantic pairing even more so. Whether it's because you see them as the ultimate butch/femme couple, or because of the "opposites attract" thing, or just because they seemed to work together so well in spite of the apparent differences, Jo/Blair continues to be a popular source of Facts of Life fanfic - perhaps the only source these days - over twenty years after the show ended. Tonight we'll talk with two experienced Jo/Blair authors, Del Robertson and
random_flores, about when they first saw the Jo/Blair friendship in a different light, the comparative appeal of Jo/Blair when they were teenagers vs. adults, whether or not Natalie or Tootie might one day get a femslash of their very own, and why they think a 25-year-old sitcom like Facts of Life continues to draw 'shippers even today - unlike, say, Mr. Belvedere.
You can listen to all previous segments of F4F on, or you can download them to your computer or iPod as .mp3 files.
There will also be a live chatroom running concurrently with the interview.
I hope you'll attend :)