Seeing as there is quite a bit we don't know about Cid, I'm writing this up just to fill in the gaps for... myself. :|b
Family and Childhood
- Born and raised in Eden
- Only child
- Family of old and established wealth
- Father worked for the Sanctum on the political front, mother was a socialite
- Parents spent very little time on him but plenty of money
- Very polite and adorable as a kid; had a bit of a curious streak in him
- Raised primarily by maids, butlers, and nannies
- Distant relationship with parents both growing up and as an adult
- Parents are both still alive and living in Eden
Personal Relationships
- Considers Rygdea his best friend and closest confidant
- Parents have tried to have him marry various women of high social standing, but he has refused all requests thus far
- Identifies as straight
- Has some trouble actually trusting those who try to befriend him
- Believes that most who try to get close to him do so in order to gain personal benefit
- Used to occasionally get into relationships--that is to say, prior to being branded--with women of Cocoon's elite
- Does not like any of the women he's had "romances" with as they could never get past his title
- Believes that he has never experienced true love
- Has had several crushes in the past but they all fizzled out
- First time was with an older female classmate in his first year at the Academy
- Is actually a bit of a romantic, if you dig deep enough
Education and Military
- Attended boarding schools until joining up with the Guardian Corps
- Consistently at the head of his class during his school years
- Chose the Guardian Corps because PSICOM had a much stronger affiliation with the Sanctum and, therefore, the fal'Cie
- Parents had wanted him to join PSICOM for the prestige; deepened the family rift with his choice
- Breezed through the Academy, officer training, and sailed through the ranks
- Started his official service with the Cavalry and stayed there throughout his military career
- Actively sought enlistment with the Cavalry; it was the branch with the most power and mobility in the Corps, which would suit his future purposes
- Became the youngest officer to ever lead the Cavalry
- Did his best to handpick his crew straight from the Academy and from different branches of the Corps
- Removed those who may be disloyal to his cause by transferring them to other divisions, with a promotion if necessary
Fighting Capabilities
- Prefers to not rely on l'Cie powers whenever possible
- Capable of using a sword and firearms but tends not to
- Is best at hand-to-hand combat (e.g. martial arts)
- Does not have an Eidolon; would not use it even if he did
- Is actually a fairly talented airship pilot
- Would prefer to talk his way out of a fight, if at all possible
The fal'Cie and Being a l'Cie
- Branding happened during a private audience with the Primarch
- Unlikely to get an Eidolon because any doubt he may have about his Focus would lead to him trying to kill and/or harm the Pulse l'Cie, which would potentially pit him against their Eidolons and there would be little point in Eidolons fighting Eidolons
- Requires a tremendous amount of willpower to act on his own, as his fal'Cie is still alive; the puppetry ties are stronger this way
Appearance and Attire
- Tends to wear his military uniform unless off duty
- Almost never dresses casually to go out--at his most casual, he usually goes for business casual, but he prefers straight-up business attire
- Does dress casually when at home or left undisturbed in his quarters
- Almost always wears bespoke clothing
- Wears pajama pants and an undershirt to bed
- Is a boxer-briefs sort of guy
Hobbies and Activities
- Enjoys reading in his free time; favorite types of books are historical and military-themed--may be non-fiction or fiction
- Likes to be in the sky whenever possible
- Knows how to play the piano
- Can waltz
- Works out on a regular basis
- Doesn't care for the outdoors much
- Doesn't like singing but is okay at it
Lifestyle and Habits
- Goes to bed and rises early
- Is accustomed to living a rather opulent lifestyle but has toned it down considerably since joining the military
- Has a lavishly furnished residence in Eden but rarely ever returns there; this is different from the Primarch quarters he's been given
- Uses custom-ordered shampoos, conditioners, soaps, etc
- Is highly organized and neat--a bit of a clean freak actually
- Can't cook unless it is ridiclously simply (e.g. toast, scrambled eggs); his cooked stuff doesn't taste good in any case
- Is not much of a drinker; tends to only drink for social purposes
- Does not smoke
- Workaholic / dutyholic
- Likes to be on top of things and plan everything out
With a Change of Environment
- Finds it easier to trust people; there is less reason for people to try and take advantage of him
- Has a free will
- Tends to be considerably happier and at peace with himself
- Will not actively look for a way home; there is nothing waiting for him there that he could want
- Prefers to be known as a Brigadier General, instead of a Primarch, since it's a position he achieved on his own
- Favorite color is navy blue
- Right-handed
- Likes tea, especially Earl Grey
- Is a cat person
- Enjoys classical music
- Has very neat and tiny handwriting
- No known allergies
Teaching Habits
- Usually only takes attendance the first day; is very lax about it otherwise
- Fairly laidback about discipline; will let most things slide unless someone is being very disruptive
- Interesting lecturer and tends to insert plenty of anecdotes into his lessons
- Never gives out extra credit
- Never curves but will throw out bad questions on assignments and exams
- Tends to make use of short-answer questions and rarely throws in multiple choice
- Always provides a review prior to exams
- Gives partial credit when applicable
- Would likely be counted as a difficult instructor to take because of his grading practices
- Fairly sparse in terms of decoration
- Very clean and neat, almost to the point of looking like it's not lived in
- Lots and lots of books--arranged by genre and then author
- Very private about his space and rarely ever lets anyone in
- Brigadier General
- Adopted from Katsura
- Male Russian Blue
- Nicknamed B.G.
- The Lieutenant
- Adopted from Shadow
- Male Egyptian Mau
- Nicknamed Lieut
- Both cats are very friendly with Cid
- B.G. tends to be far friendlier with strangers than Lieut is
- Lieut is the alpha male but only because B.G. is too laidback to care
This will always be a WIP. Last updated 7/21/2011.