May 18, 2009 17:23
Cross posted from my journal- I just wanted to step up and say hello, and detail a bit of why I'm here.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a fangirl. I've loved sci-fi and fantasy since I was a kid and had free reign of the local branch library. I read Heinlein's Time Enough For Love and Stranger in a Strange Land, Asimov's I, Robot and The Robots of Dawn as well as everything I could find with Susan Calvin in, I read Clarke and Bradbury and Verne and Herbert and Ellison- all before I was 10.
I watched the original series of Star Treck in re-runs, watched STNG after school, found all the authors I'd loved as a kid and re-read everything as well as finding their other works. I found fantasy as well, falling in love with Pratchett and Asprin and Anthony- and then in college I started reading comic books- Gaiman first- but Moore and Miller and the Hernandez brothers followed close after. I wrote a thesis on images of Women in comic books, which I presented at a conference. I'm a geek, and proud of it.
So I'd have to say that Sci-fi had a big hand in my development. I'll say that I'm a reader and a fan- I'm not a writer or a contributor, and I don't think I ever will be. But I'll read and support and encourage other fen to do the same. The fact that there are people- publishers and writers who say I don't exist- this pains me.- not so much for me now, but for little me with her nose in a book- believing that I would be a part of the future these books taught me- like Uhura working on a starship- like Susan Calvin with her robots- like all of the heroes in all of space.